Work stress has been described as the ‘wear and tear’ caused by your working life. In recent times, stress at work has seen a rapidly rising trend. This course looks at your ability to avoid work stress and to control and manage it, when it arises. Excessive and continuous work stress is very damaging, resulting in health problems, loss of productivity and pressure on working relationships. The main problems stem from excessive workloads and impractical deadlines, relationships with colleagues and future job insecurity.
This course looks at the ability to plan and control the decision making process so that better quality decisions are made at the right time. Decision-making is often a team process and high quality decisions are very much dependent on team involvement and commitment.
This course examines the ability to plan and control the allocation of work within team members in order to maximise resources. Good delegation is based on clear objectives, regular reviews and sound feedback. It shows how delegation can provide a sound basis on which to improve productivity, engender ownership and responsibility whilst fostering individual growth and development.
Move resource Change is an inevitable part of life. Nothing remains static and the way we respond to change varies from individual to individual. Approximately one half of the population resists it, while the other half welcomes it. This course examines the change management process and the ways in which an understanding of the causes of resistance can be turned to positive advantage in meeting organisational objectives.
People at work spend a substantial amount of time in meetings: a typical manager can spend half of their work time in meetings of one sort or another. This course looks at the ability to plan and control your meetings and make effective use of your time. Well-run meetings rely upon proper planning, preparation, selection of participants, adherence to issues and time schedules. Meetings also play an important part in the maintenance of good teamwork, supporting working relationships and focusing the team on superior work performance.
Your work personality brings together all those parts of you that have an influence on your performance at work. This course examines those qualities of your personality that you consistently demonstrate in your work and by which you become known by your colleagues. The main issue is whether you possess and use those positive qualities normally associated with good performance.
Wellness is not a new concept. The ancient Greeks believed that a truly healthy person possessed a keen intellect, a well-developed will and a disciplined body. Their ideal of arete, meaning excellence of any kind, was considered a noble state of human functioning, representing the merging of body, mind and spirit. Today there is a strong emphasis on wellness and this course focuses on making you aware of and making choices towards a more successful life.
Project Management is simply a combination of steps and techniques for keeping the budget and schedule in line; failures lie in a lack of process and system. This course follows the five stages of the project cycle, which provides a clear process and system for project tracking. A successful project manager demonstrates particular team building skills and develops a thorough knowledge of the team’s strengths and the project’s needs.
For many people, managing priorities often causes a potential source of conflict. The correct work behaviour is summarised in the phrase ‘what you do second is equally important to what you do first’. This routine can be achieved if time is controlled for the purpose of priority management. This course looks at your ability to focus on the priority of job objectives and the fundamental problem of conflict between priority of importance and priority of time.
An interesting aspect of job knowledge is that the majority of people believe they understand their job until they are asked to explain it. This course sets out to examine your professional, specialist or expert knowledge and understanding that are especially required in your job.