the clare school
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC), education is key to our pupils
here at The Clare School. As a community we seek to understand and share with
others within and beyond the school gate our achievements and how we’ve overcome
any barriers to our success. We celebrate the ethos and values that we hold as a
school, celebrate our diversity, and re-affirm the British values of tolerance,
personal liberty, and democracy. We use weekly themes for assemblies, led by
classes within the school, and these are then reflected on during pastoral class
SMSC sessions. Staff and pupils use the termly plan to ensure that we link into
local, national and world-wide events at a level that is appropriate to the
assembly audience. From sensory and experience stories with the Pre-Formal
classes, through to Titan and Asdan achievements shared with pupils on the
Formal pathway, we seek to ensure that our assemblies remain appropriate for all
our student body. Our assemblies have been formed by consultation with the Pupil
Voice body and staff, and time is taken to discuss and reflect on the topics