julian baker
Julian Baker is one of the UK's leading manual therapists, teachers and experts
in fascial anatomy. He has been practicing and teaching The Bowen Technique
since 1994 and is the best selling author of two books on Bowen.
Since 2007 he has been leading human dissection classes in medical schools all
over the world, including Oxford University, Imperial College London and St
Andrews School of Medicine in Scotland.
His unique teaching style gives profound and useful insights, whilst keeping the
content incredibly accessible. Renowned the world over as an inspirational and
insightful educator, his content never fails to provide incredible information
aimed at transforming your practice.
His new anatomical community, Touch, Move, Heal,
[https://community.touchmoveheal.com]provides regular content including
dissection videos about the human form and connects therapists from all over the
world with the single purpose of inspiring therapists to help more people.