iac - international academy of consciousness
The International Academy of Consciousness is an education and research
organization dedicated to investigating the nature of consciousness. We do this
through the exploration of human exceptional experiences such as the out-of-body
experience (astral travel or astral projection), clairvoyance, expansion of
awareness, extra-sensory perception, channelling, near-death experience, energy
healing, and other psychic phenomena. We share knowledge and teach subtle energy
and astral travel techniques to empower everyone to seek their truth by
themselves. We want to equip people to reinvent themselves and dare to create
the world they dream of, because one’s grasp of reality determines how far one
can reach. In our courses we endeavor to deliver the most accurate and updated
knowledge, in an unbiased way. We seek to continuously examine psychic phenomena
and expand our body of knowledge in a transcendental yet down-to-earth manner.