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Become a META-Health professional with our 6 months intensive training! Do you want to learn the scientific background of body-mind-interactions and how to integrate this knowledge in your practical work with your clients? This course contains both self-study and live training in online classes and covers the META-Health Level 1 and 2 material. It will take 6 months including 24 live sessions, 2 hours each, mainly in a weekly rhythm. You will get preparatory videos, reading material and tasks that help to understand and integrate the content, while the group sessions focus on demonstrations, discusion of the material, and practical exercises for you. All the time, our trainers and tutors will support you and we’ll be a learning family with an active chatgroup. Altogether you should reckon approximately 5 hours per week.
Managing Emotions at Work Certification Negative emotions are a normal part of everyday life and most of us have to learn how to handle difficult emotions at work. This can be challenging, particularly when we are under stress. In this course, you will learn some practical methods for dealing with unwanted emotions at work that will improve your wellbeing and job satisfaction. You will Learn: The most common negative emotions that people experience at work Why problem-solving can help you feel better What to do if your emotions get the better of you How to quickly calm down How shifting your perspective can help you remain level-headed Benefits of Taking this Course: An improvement in your performance at work, as you will not be distracted by your emotions, when making decisions or carrying out day-to-day activities An improvement in your relationships with others, both at work and at home If you work with difficult people, this course will equip you with the tools that you need, in order to avoid over-reacting to their negative behaviours If your work-life balance has become imbalanced, this course will help you separate the two parts of your life and lower your overall stress levels
Unleash the power of your unpleasant emotions in our online event Emotional Logic – embrace the superpower within your feelings!
Welcome to the Women's Voice Medicine Journey. This is a female-designed, step-by-step programe, to teach you how you can truly activate and integrate some of the most essential Embodied Voicework tools to Free Your Voice and unleash your Creative Feminine Power.
LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Liza represents a range of fiction and non-fiction. On the fiction side, she is looking for historical fiction that is well researched, immerses readers in the era, and looks at overlooked characters from the past, or perhaps gives a new spin on someone we think we know. On the literary and upmarket side, she is looking for novels infused with emotions that capture the human experience and make readers think. If your literary novel is something at A24 productions might turn into a movie, this is Liza’s taste. When it comes to fantasy, she loves urban and grounded fantasy (no sci-fi please!), and is always happy to look at anything with a vampire, werewolf, witches, warlocks, fairies, and perhaps a sinister selkie or two. She is also very much looking for romantasy and is the best person at the agency to submit that too. For thrillers, send her anything set in an exotic location, high-concept, or things with a speculative twist. She loves when characters are put in situations she would never want to be in, and then they have to get out of it. Her recent favourite fiction includes: Notes on an Execution, Lady Macbethad, Hamnet, A Discovery of Witches, House of Earth and Blood, The Starless Sea, Piranesi, Our Wives Under the Sea, The Pisces, Such A Fun Age. When it comes to non fiction, she is looking for books that teach her something new or reframe a topic from an alternative point of view. This can include cookery, pop science, and social history. Liza’s recent favourite non-fiction include: The Five, A History of Art Without Men, Messalina, The Authority Gap, Finding The Mother Tree, Cook This Book, Dessert Person. Liza would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 - 2 page synopsis and the first 5000 words of your manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Liza is kindly offering one free session for low income/underrepresented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print). By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 24th February 2025
Welcome to the Women's Voice Medicine Journey. This is a female-designed, step-by-step programe, to teach you how you can truly activate and integrate some of the most essential Embodied Voicework tools to Free Your Voice and unleash your Creative Feminine Power.
Welcome to the Women's Voice Medicine Journey. This is a female-designed, step-by-step programe, to teach you how you can truly activate and integrate some of the most essential Embodied Voicework tools to Free Your Voice and unleash your Creative Feminine Power.
This is a masterclass in managing emotions at work, leveraging the power of self-understanding along with effective conflict management strategies to achieve successful outcomes
Introducing Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package: Unlocking Emotional Freedom and Healing Are you struggling with repressed emotions, finding it difficult to express and process your feelings from the past? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package offers you compassionate support and guidance to unlock emotional freedom, heal past wounds, and embrace a healthier emotional state. Repressed emotions are feelings that have been pushed aside or buried due to various reasons, leading to unresolved emotional baggage. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you navigate through these suppressed emotions, fostering emotional release, and promoting healing. Here’s how the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package can support you: Understanding Repressed Emotions: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of repressed emotions and how they impact your current emotional well-being. Creating a Safe Space: We offer a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can freely explore and express your suppressed emotions. Emotional Release: Therapy will focus on facilitating emotional release, allowing you to process and express feelings that have been held back. Healing Past Wounds: We’ll work on addressing and healing the unresolved emotional wounds from the past. Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with healthy coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions as they arise. Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Therapy encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance as you navigate through your emotional journey. Building Emotional Resilience: We’ll focus on developing emotional resilience to face and process emotions in a healthy way. Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for repressed emotions may incorporate mindfulness techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness. The Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to release the emotional burden of the past and find emotional freedom. Our compassionate therapists provide gentle guidance and support to help you navigate through your emotional journey. Invest in your emotional well-being and take the first step towards unlocking emotional freedom with the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package. Embrace the opportunity to heal past wounds, express your feelings, and foster a healthier emotional state. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards emotional release, healing, and a brighter emotional future. 8 SESSIONS X 1 HOUR https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/
The Emotional Logic workshop is designed to provide enlightening mindset shifts and educational activities around emotions, their purpose, and our values.