ss simon & jude ce primary school
‘Achieving excellence together’ Dear Parents and Carers We believe that SS Simon
and Jude CE Primary School is a fantastic place to be educated. Dedicated and
talented staff care deeply not only about your child as an individual, but
equally passionately about exploiting every ounce of potential we can, in the
academic, sporting, and musical spheres, as well as nurturing individual talents
in a wider range of activities. The achievement of very high standards coupled
with outstanding behaviour is a bedrock of our success. Happy, secure children
learning quickly and well is what we are known for. The first state school
worldwide to achieve Mastering Level within the International Primary
Curriculum, Finalist in TES School of the Year and being an Outstanding Church
Academy are just 3 of many reasons that SS Simon and Jude is a great place to
be. We hope that you find our website clear and informative, and if you have any
further questions or queries do not hesitate to call us.