watford fc community sports & education trust
Just another WordPress siteWatford Football Club has a long and proud tradition
of serving its community. It has established a reputation as the ‘Original
Family Club’ – a club which actively provides a range of services to those who
live in and around the area. It also provides a sense of community to everyone
who supports the ‘Hornets’. How did it all come about? Well it would be fair to
say that at Watford FC the introduction of family areas, player appearances at
community events and activities was pioneered by the then manager Graham Taylor.
In the early 1990’s Watford FC established a Football in the Community Scheme.
At the time this consisted of one member of staff who was tasked with using
football as a way of increasing football participation whilst also promoting
Watford FC. Over time the popularity and growth of the activities offered meant
that additional staff needed to be taken on. By 2002 the Community Scheme
employed five full time members of staff as well as a large number of coaches
working on a sessional basis. The Community Scheme not only encouraged active
participation in activities and events it also played an important role in
addressing a range of social issues. As a result of the good work achieved a
decision was made to turn the scheme into a charitable entity. The primary aim
of doing this was to take the community work offered to a new level.