tarradale primary school
Parents/guardians are within their rights to seek consent to withdraw from the
roll of a Highland school for home education rather than having them taught at
one of the local authority schools. Who is entitled to home education? Any
parent/guardian can choose to do this as long as they provide an efficient
education that is suitable for the age, ability and aptitude of the child.
Parents/guardians have a responsibility to seek consent from the Highland
Council to withdraw from the school roll for home education (if in attendance at
a Highland Council school). In line with the Scottish Government guidance, we
aim to issue a decision within 6 weeks of the receipt of the original request.
Until consent is granted the young person remains on the school roll and should
attend school. If a family have moved into the Highland Council area from
another local authority area in Scotland or another nation, the
parents/guardians do not require the consent of the authority for home
education. However, we do encourage families to contact us as the advice we can
provide and the information about services for school aged children provided by
the NHS, further education providers and Skills Development Scotland is found to
be very helpful by families home educating. This is a signposting service of