st paul's catholic primary school
St Paul’s is a very special school, filled with warmth and welcome. Our children
are keen to learn and eager to be the best they can be. They behave with respect
and play a key role in creating an environment which celebrates individuality.
They make a positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school. Staff,
children, families and parishioners alike are proud of our school and are
committed to the community we have formed with Christ at its centre. I am
privileged to lead a dedicated team of staff who keep the children’s best
interests at the heart of everything they do. ‘We work together, learn together
and pray together - we are one’. It is an honour to be leading St Paul’s to
further success. Our key areas of focus this academic year are: Metacognition
SEND Mental well-being Early writing Number fluency We are excited to continue
our curriculum development, embedding our curriculum intent and implementation
securely and consistently across the school, ensuring that all have a firm and
common understanding of our curriculum intent and what it means for our
practice. This website will provide you with a wealth of information about our
school as well as providing downloadable material and useful internet links. It
also provides information about the varied opportunities we offer pupils. Take a
look and celebrate their learning with us. We welcome visits to our school - our
pupil ambassadors would be delighted to show you around. Please contact the
school office to make an appointment. We are part of Plymouth CAST Multi Academy
Trust. Please click her to access their website: With very best wishes Miss Sarah Rowe Head
Teacher © 2015 St Paul's Catholic Primary School, Plymouth. All rights
reserved. St Paul's is a member of the CAST Multi Academy Trust.