mellow mummas
I am not the person I was 5 years ago. not even close. Pregnancy, birth and
parenting has changed me and I know it will have or it will change you too. The
transformation of this time is undeniable. We are not the same person and it is
likely the self care, movement and stress management techniques that served us
then do not have the same effect now. The Mellow Mummas Method is here for you
along every step of that evolution. The method combines: mindful movement stress
management education support and experiences All the practices we teach and
share at Mellow Mummas have been refined over many years teaching, hearing
client feedback and educating ourselves. I collaborate with and choose educators
wisely so you are in good hands no matter where you are on your journey. Ready
to make a positive change in your life? Try working with this method, I promise
you will feel the positive affects of a committed practice. All my love and