royal mile primary school
Royal Mile Primary School is an inner-city school in the heart of Edinburgh. We
pride ourselves on the diversity within our school community. Overall, our
classrooms are well resourced, we have an inspiring library with an extensive
genre, multi-purpose room that host music tuition, social and communication
groups etc. The school is situated on the Royal Mile in the heart of the old
town providing us with a range of modern and historical opportunities to enhance
learning experiences for our learners. We are keen to develop outdoor learning
using this space and will consider how best we can build up sustainable
environment options. At Royal Mile Primary School, the dedicated staff are
committed to providing students with a broad and practical learning experience.
Teaching staff are keen to take on leadership roles that involve whole school
initiatives. We aim to continue to implement technologies across all stages,
community engagement and improved learning that meet the needs of students in
the 21st century. The school works closely to build on home-school-community
partnerships. Community engagement builds on the strong foundations of Literacy
and Numeracy at Royal Mile and are a priority for our school. We have formed
strong partnerships with Canongate Youth, Holyrood Palace, Scottish Poetry
Centre. Our school wishes to strengthen our community of learners to maximise
the participation of all stakeholders – students, families and the wider
community and promote our school as a centre of excellence, opportunity and
inclusion. At Royal Mile Primary we have used a range of data to focus on
improvement through Self-Evaluation. Information gathered from feedback across
the school community is used to help inform improvement planning as well as data
from assessment. Termly learning, teaching and assessment meetings take place
between SLT, class teachers and support staff using standardised assessments and
professional judgements which help identify priorities to take forward and to
identify learners who may require targeted support. All staff participate in an
annual performance conversations to identify opportunities for career long
professional learning linked to our school priorities. Observations and sharing
classroom practice are used to identify and share effective teaching and
learning across our school.