da engliscan gesidas (the english companions)
The English Companions promotes interest in and research into the Anglo-Saxon
era (CE 400-1100); we do not follow any particular interpretation of history and
maintain a strictly neutral line on modern political and religious matters. The
relative lengths of historical periods. Fig 1. The relative lengths of
historical periods The period of history that is our main interest covers over
600 years and saw tremendous changes, many of which have influenced our later
national story. The chart shows the relative lengths of approximate historical
periods, and demonstrates the length of Anglo-Saxon history in Britain. On this
website you will find information and articles of interest about this extensive
period, and we invite you to have a look around. For our members, we publish a
quarterly magazine, Withowinde . We also offer members an Old English
correspondence course which teaches both the written and spoken language. We
have local groups of members, organised on a geographical basis, who arrange
meetings and attend events.