school library association
The SLA works towards all schools in the UK having their own (or shared) staffed
library to help all children and young people fulfil their potential. School
staff and children should have access to a wide and varied range of resources
and have the support of an expert guide in reading, research, media and
information literacy. We provide training and access to resources to support the
running of school libraries and the continuing development of all staff, as well
as advocating for and allowing other educational staff to maximise their
understanding and use of school libraries. We offer: Support with your school
library, building a reading culture or research and media and information
literacy skills through: Providing advice and guidance based on the needs and
priorities of the school Offering relevant training for teachers who line manage
the library Enabling the measurement and celebration of CPD for reading and
research provision Consultancy services include visiting a school to develop a
vision for reading and research skills, and includes a development plan for the
school library linked to the aims of the school Providing leaders with
opportunities to celebrate their staff and projects Developing and sharing
research into the impacts of and benefits of school libraries Supporting
recruitment with template job descriptions, our Recruitment Guide and Skills and
Expertise for school libraries and by advertising roles.