rachel burnham
I help individuals and organisations use drawing & Sketchnoting to think, learn
and work better. My work is grounded in L&D and OD practice gained over 30 years
working in and with organisations as a consultant. Here are five ways I can work
with you: Commission a Sketchnote - you could commission me to create a
Sketchnote for you. Sketchnotes make use of a combination of words & simple
pictures to make memorable notes. A number of clients have commissioned
Sketchnotes of one-off special events and also for regular sessions to provide a
visual record of the session - participants get to see the Sketchnote
developing. Or you could get me to create a Sketchnote to communicate a
particular message - in the past year I have created Sketchnotes to commemorate
an organisational anniversary and to communicate a change in approach to
wellbeing. You could learn to Sketchnote - I offer regular virtual workshops
providing an introduction to Sketchnoting. I also offer these sessions in-house
and have a version aimed particularly for students with a Sketchnoting for
Studying focus. The sessions are practical and friendly. Thirdly, I have
developed over the last year the concept of 'Reflect & Sketch' sessions in which
drawing is used as a tool to help participants to slow down and as a prompt to
reflection. I have tailored these sessions to integrate with wider leadership
development programmes, sessions focusing on innovation & creativity and
sessions on inclusion & diversity. Fourthly, I offer 'Relax & Draw' sessions
which are short sessions based around drawing to encourage relaxation - each
session has a theme which is often based around nature. Many clients have booked
these sessions as part of a wider wellbeing offer.