earthcraftuk community interest company
At EarthCraftuk we have over 12 years experience delivering a variety of nature
based programmes including: Forest School Leader Training, Woodland Skills
Continued Professional Development Workshops, school visits, youth accredited
engagement programmes and experiential Forest School programmes; witnessing
first-hand the transformational effects experiences in the natural world can
have on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of all participants, and
the fulfilling career paths it can often open up for adult participants. At a
time when we on average spend 90% of our time indoors, our work at Earthcraftuk
is driven by the evidenced impact of being in nature. Green spaces promote
physical activity, social interaction, exposure to sunlight and reduced
pollution, which all boost health in various ways, including reduced levels of
stress and anxiety, aided sleep and a feeling of connectedness with the world,
and one another. We have trained over 400 participants on Forest School
qualification programmes; worked with a number of community groups; supported
school and youth experiential and accredited programmes and also developed a
Campfire Management Award for Kent County Council and now also working with
Veterans on our Health & Wellbeing programme called Veteran Trees We are very
grateful to use stunning private woodland owned by the Dawes family of Mount
Ephraim Gardens – a philanthropic family who support our mission.