therese hoyle
Stourport on Severn
Therese Hoyle has over 25 years’ teaching experience in mainstream, special and
higher education. She is the founder and Head Facilitator of Therese Hoyle
Consultancies. Since 1996 Therese has worked nationally and internationally with
over 495 schools and organisations and with more than 15,400 individuals
inspiring them with Positive Playtime, Circle Time, Coaching Circles, Positive
Parenting, Positive Behaviour Management, Emotional Literacy and Leadership
Coaching programmes. Her work in schools has been featured in a UK DfES, BBC
Anti Bullying Video, the national press, New Zealand’s Education Gazette,
Optimus Educations Insight Magazine, Innovate my School. She is a feature writer
for Teacher’s Matter Magazine, Australasia and is a regular guest speaker on
podcasts and in the media.