boardmatch ireland
Boardmatch is the only Irish charity that specialises in charity board
recruitment. We match individuals that are looking to volunteer their time and
skills at board level, with charities and not-for-profits that have board and
committee vacancies. We believe the right balance of skilled voluntary trustees
provides a not-for-profit with the necessary skills to respond to changes, meet
the challenges of the sector and to achieve their strategic objectives.
Boardmatch does this primarily through: A FREE online matching service matching
individuals from the corporate/public sectors to Not-For-Profit boards. A
bespoke Premium Board Search service for not-for-profit organisations.
Developing and providing training packages and other supports for boards. Our
core objective is building the governance capacity of not-for-profit boards. We
have over 1,000 not-for-profits registered with us and have placed over 3,000
candidates onto not-for-profit boards. Boardmatch Ireland was established in
2005 to address the skills needs of the governing bodies of Not-For-Profits. It
was established by a strong board including Mary Redmond of Arthur Cox, Siobhan
Toale of Bank of Ireland, Roger Acton of ACCA, Kieran Loughran of the Disability
Federation of Ireland and Mary Davis of Special Olympics.