adl - academy for distance learning
ADL’s educational philosophy is based on our commitment to ensuring Students Are
Our Priority. The Hallmark of any good distance learning institution is the
level of support supplied to students as they journey through their studies. At
the heart of our service to you are our committed and exceptional tutors, most
holding a 3 year degree, with 5 years industry experience and remaining active
within the horticultural industry. This combination, together with frequent
reviews and updating of courses, makes our horticultural programs a unique
learning experience. Horticultural courses are a real specialty for us and
because of this, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) lists ADL as an approved
distance learning provider on their website for the RHS qualifications.
Moreover, the expertise of our tutors and support team, and quality of course
content enables us to be one of the few distance learning providers, able to
offer the RHS level 3 programs. In addition to these RHS qualifications, we also
offer over 200 horticultural courses developed and written by our horticultural
professionals. Subject areas include: Crops, General Horticulture, Herbs, Home
Gardening, Hydroponics, Landscaping, Nursery and Propagation, Permaculture/Self
Sufficiency, Plant Varieties, Trees and Turf. Our tutors provide unlimited
support throughout your studies. For a change of career, advancement in
employment, to set up in business, or to improve your own skills in horticulture
for home use, ADL has a course to help you realise your ambition.