tiny talk enfield
Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning
TinyTalk baby signing class. What can you expect at a TinyTalk class? Weekly
themes such as bedtime, family or a trip to the park give you the signs you need
to share baby’s world and daily routine, using British Sign Language (BSL) signs
An interactive music class featuring well-known nursery rhymes, action songs,
specially composed music and instruments Hands-on sensory activities delight
your baby and develop all-round communication skills such as vocalising,
listening and taking turns. They also stimulate your baby’s senses, encourage
their tracking skills and develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor
skills Time to relax with a cuppa and make new friends whilst your baby enjoys
social playtime TinyTalk classes are run in blocks of 12 weeks, though you can
often start at any time (subject to space). Each block covers the most important
50 core signs which we know will make a huge difference. Our classes do not
repeat across a year and, as babies' interests develop, so many families choose
to return time after time. We cover 150 signs in all, and a few amazing babies
have learned almost all of them!