the artisan bakery school
Experience the charm and warmth of an English cottage kitchen at the Artisan
Bakery School, where authenticity meets simplicity in a welcoming, homely
setting. Our unique selling proposition is our commitment to the highest quality
in both ingredients and baking methods—no additives, just pure,
honest-to-goodness bread. With us, you'll delve into the wholesome world of
traditional baking under the guidance of expert tutors who bring two lifetimes
of experience to the table. But it's not just about the time spent together; we
believe in nurturing bakers, which is why we offer ongoing expert support to
help you perfect your craft. The thousands of students following our
internationally successful online courses, and the students who have come to our
kitchen from all over the world, all agree our support is what makes the
difference to their baking. Embrace the simplicity, savour the quality, and
cherish the genuine artisan skills passed down in an environment that’s as real
as the bread you’ll bake. Welcome to a learning experience like no other,
welcome to the Artisan Bakery School.