the sir john colfox academy
School Vision Statement School Vision Statement ‘Inspiring Learners, Achieving
Excellence’ is our aim and I am delighted to lead a wonderful team of teaching
and support staff who do their very best to bring this to life for all of our
students. Whilst we are very proud of our record of excellent exam results, we
believe that a first class education is about much more than that. We aspire for
all our students to have a school experience that gives them access to a wide
range of extra-curricular activities and cultural enrichment. Whether it through
sport, drama, art, music, school trips, languages, Duke of Edinburgh, ‘The Edge’
or even public speaking team; we hope that everyone will take up the
opportunities that will add the all-important ‘extra’ to their school
experience. Inspiring We believe that for our students to be successful we must
recognise individual talent and provide a safe and stimulating environment,
which enables them to flourish. We want our students to be happy at the Academy,
to become independent learners and to continue in education. We aim to give them
opportunities to be leaders and to do things they never thought they would and
to achieve things never thought they could. The Academy is well equipped with
the latest technologies, believes in practical, hands-on approach, and uses
creative methods to inspire and engage students.