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Simon Michaels of Mindful Work

simon michaels of mindful work

I’m Simon Michaels. I combine 30 years experience of meditation and mindfulness practice, with being a social entrepreneur and business advisor. Whilst my training and coaching is entirely secular, my experience of meditation comes from a deep and on-going practice in the Buddhist contemplative tradition. I have lay ordination as Upasaka Tsultrim Wangpo in the Namgyal lineage. This ancient wisdom is the foundation for effective mindfulness practice, where sound ethical values underpin the techniques and tools. My long experience in meditation, and on-going practice and retreat attendance, ensures that I stay in tune with 2500 years of teaching, that I channel when working with you. In parallel, I have been a very successful social entrepreneur for the last 20 years, applying the boundless energy that comes from being in touch with one's true self. This has included setting up seven profitable enterprises with multiple six-figure turnovers. I have formal qualifications in business support, coaching, and mindfulness teaching. I’m a member of the International Stress Management Association and have a Mental Health First Aid certificate, and adhere to the code of practice for mindfulness-based trainers. I’m an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a director of several successful ethical companies, and have advised businesses, government agencies, third sector organisations and local authorities, as well as training and coaching hundreds of individuals.

Yoga By Noel

yoga by noel



I first found yoga in 2007, while travelling Asia, and the physicality of the practice caught my interest right away (such as supporting my weak lower back at the time), but also to quieten my mind and centre myself through my adventures.   Soon after, I trained in Ayurvedic Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Massage and found a holistic way to combine Ayurveda, Hatha Yoga and modern practices into enhancing my everyday wellbeing, as well as teaching others how to do the same. I have immersed myself in many sound therapy sessions. The feeling you get from being surrounded by intense sounds and vibrations is of grounded serenity. This helped me thrive through this time, bringing stillness to my mind and body. I incorporate this sound bowl therapy into all my yoga classes, so you too can experience the benefits. I am based in Stafford, where I have formed a fun, cool and welcoming yoga community. My intention as a professional yoga instructor is to help students listen to their inner selves and find the courage to step out of their comfort zone. Just like playing an instrument or sport needs practice, so does yoga. Nobody will be able to do all the yoga postures in the first class, even as an experienced yoga teacher, I still need to practice. Yoga is more than just getting into a posture and stretching the body. Yoga teaches you to be present and shows you ways to calm the mind. It is not at all competitive.  On the Path of Mindfulness You may practice yoga as we do in the UK, to relax, stretch and become more flexible. But yoga can be more than that. When you truly get into it and take the time to focus on your breathing, within an extended hold of the pose (as we do in Hatha Yoga), you adjust, you feel, you listen, you focus.  A light bulb starts to shine somewhere in your mind, your endorphins take over, you start to surrender, you may smile, you become one with the present moment - that’s when the true magic occurs.   Being present is a lifelong journey in itself and something I am still focusing on daily. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but through yoga, mindfulness and gratitude we lean closer and closer to being ever so present.  This is something I bring a lot of focus to in my yoga classes. It helps us to feel what is happening right now - not what happened or will happen, but what is happening. Take a deep breath right now - what do you feel? You feel the gift of the present moment.    Smiling is mandatory in my yoga classes - as I do believe humour and fun are key to experiencing the present moment and to releasing fabulous uplifting hormones. Believe me: this approach has helped me through many tough times.  Yoga has been a life changer for me, in times of worry, anxiety, the lows and the highs…it’s provided me with the opportunity to reflect, go within and come out of those times feeling totally nurtured and ready to take on every single chapter. My only hope is that you also feel this from the yoga practice.  I offer in-person yoga classes in Stafford, for small groups or 1-2-1. I am also qualified to offer holistic coaching, Massage Therapy and chakra energy balancing.

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]

Balsall Heath Is Our Planet

balsall heath is our planet


Criminals have been breaking into Balsall Heath City Farm to steal the animals. This is upsetting for the staff and volunteers who look after them, at this much loved family learning facility (open daily). Donations are being collected through crowd funding to make the site secure, so together we can stop the abuse. MAKE A DONATION Vote for a Neighbourhood Council 05/12/2022 at 10:02 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Good news. Many residents of Balsall Heath have voted Yes to setting up our own Neighbourhood Council to improve the area. All the money raised will be spent here. But it will take every vote, to get over the threshold. Due to postal delays, residents are asked to send the green voting paper as soon as they can, to be sure your vote is counted before 15 December. Anyone who has lost the ballot paper can be sent another by emailing Name, Address Postcode, subject BH Neighbourhood Council Vote bids@cesvotes.com Energy saving grants for Balsall Heath 18/11/2022 at 11:49 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Homeowners and tenants living in Balsall Heath can apply to have work done on their homes that could significantly reduce their energy bills. Funding has been attracted by Retrofit Balsall Heath for up to 700 homes. Deadline for return of applications is Wednesday 23 November . Delays and even disappointments are possible with a free scheme, but “if you don’t ask, you dont get”. There’s no household income cap, or requirement to be on benefits, but the scheme is for older homes with poor energy rating (D,E,F,G EPCs). The scheme is completely free for eligible owner-occupiers. Private landlords need to pay a one-third contribution. A 3-page form needs to be filled in by the resident to apply and agree for a surveyor to visit. These can be got from BH Library, Baths, BH Children’s Centre, Jericho Foundation. Completed forms – please email form to RetrofitBalsallHeath[at]gmail.com or drop in at MECC, 93 Court Road, B12 9LQ MECC 0121 440 3500 9am-4pm Vote for a Neighbourhood Council 04/11/2022 at 9:51 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Voters in Balsall Heath are receiving postal ballot papers from the city Elections Office, this month, November. If enough people vote Yes, the new council will be set up and the councilors recruited. They will then draw up a plan and a budget and set the “precept” (a small charge) to pay running costs. There is a new webpage that tells people more about the case for setting up this new structure, separate from Birmingham City Council, (but working with it of course) to power up our ability to solve problems, find opportunities and get communication and coordination working in our complex and multicultural neighbourhood. Advance Website Our Garden of Balsall Heath 16/08/2022 at 2:34 pm | Posted in Gardens, Green Spaces, Trees | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath With the 2022 Commonwealth Games came an arts project called Our Garden and this has produced some great videos about people appreciating green spaces and trees in our neighbourhood. With the heat wave people have really appropriated the shade of all the trees planted over the last 40 years in the greening of Balsall Heath. Watch the videos Action at the Pocket Park 20/06/2022 at 4:29 pm | Posted in Green Spaces, Streets | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath A team assembled to replace planter at Balsall Heath Pocket Park. We learned that a vehicle had smashed into it and driven off, but we were able to put in a new and more robust one. Passers by said they really appreciate this space for walking, cycling and sitting down in the busy centre of our neighbourhood. Thanks go to Hywel and the Countrymen group from BH City Farm, as in the pictures. A Council of Balsall Heath – more time to have your say 27/04/2022 at 3:30 pm | Posted in uncategorised | Leave a comment Tags: Balsall Heath Sunday 15th May is the extended deadline, for people to say if they favour an elected body, with the powers of a parish council. The City Council’s survey is quite brief and is at BeHeard. If you can introduce this as a discussion for a group that you know, then, please contact me for help with that. John Newson bhiop[at]jericho.org.uk