stellar mind
We offer Mental Health First Aid Courses for both Adults and Youth, we also
provide ASIST Suicide Prevention Training. We are a team based in the West
Midlands that have worked in various industries for in excess of 50 years, we
have a wealth of experience as Therapists, coaches, Samaritans Listening
Volunteers, NLP Practitioners, clinical hypnotherapists, business owners, bank
managers, Directors, project managers, trainers and lecturers. Our trainers have
many years of experience of working with people with mental ill health, which
means our courses are delivered with understanding and compassion. In the
workplace, healthy and well-motivated employees have a positive impact on the
productivity and effectiveness of a business. Good mental health at work and
good management go hand in hand. Stellar Mind helps you to nurture a happy,
healthy and productive culture, be it in the workplace, education, at home,
where mental health and physical health are given the same priority, thus
creating an environment where everyone can flourish.