oakwood school & assessment centre ( special school)
At Oakwood School we aim to provide a happy, caring stable environment, where
each child will have the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential. Each
child is valued as a holistic individual with their own unique set of abilities
and challenges. We focus on what the child can do and celebrate their every
achievement. We provide a family environment where children and staff support,
help and nurture each other. We understand our children’s needs and provide an
education personalised to meet those needs. Our school motto is: - “If you want
children to learn first make them happy” At Oakwood we promote an ethos which
demonstrates mutual respect for all children, their parents and our staff. We
encourage all children and staff to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of
others and to show respect for all cultures and beliefs. We are committed to:
Putting pupils first Providing a welcoming, dynamic and supportive learning and
teaching environment Delivering the Curriculum through an individualised and
child centred approach Ensuring that the highest standards of Pastoral Care,
Safeguarding and Child Protection are in place Promoting and sustaining good
behaviour Treating everyone with dignity and respect Continuing to foster and
develop effective home/school links Working together as a team for the benefit
of each pupil Oakwood School is a place where children, their families and staff
are welcomed and encouraged to become the best that they can be.