j.e.b. educational consultancy
Jason Bangbala is a leading Educational Consultant, delivering his unique style
of training to organisations across the UK. As well as training courses and
consultancy work, he continues to be an active classroom practitioner. His core
areas of training are Behaviour Management, Circle Time, Coaching and Structured
Play. His training programmes are tailored to reach a wide range of staff in
education. He has delivered training at Headteacher and Deputy Head Conferences,
LEA AST and NQT programmes, sessions for Learning Support staff, Learning
Mentors, Lunchtime Organisers and non-teaching staff, PGCE Students and GTP
trainees and college tutors. His training has even extended into H M Youth
Offenders Institutions. Before setting up his own training and consultancy
business Jason was a highly successful classroom teacher and Senior Manager in
Secondary Education. His teaching experience has been based on working in
challenging areas, challenging schools and with challenging pupils. All the
training courses are practical, interactive and highly engaging. Some of the
most commonly used words or phrases from people who have experienced Jason’s
training include: Inspirational, realistic and motivating