Your ability to think is probably your greatest asset at work. Everything you say and do will be touched in some way by what is going on in your mind. Most certainly, performance and achievements are a direct function of your thinking abilities. This course looks at the skills of mental agility, conceptual and analytical thinking. Together, these skills allow you to conceive and form ideas in a practical sense and draw the right conclusions.
The course starts with the basic rules for sales people. It covers cold calling, how to deal with gatekeepers and takes you through a typical face-to-face meeting. It then discusses how you can sell by stressing the results prospects can expect if they buy, and how best to play to their emotions. It then finishes off by covering negotiations and how to avoid them and includes some methods for closing a sale.
Advanced Business Writing Skills (One-to-One Coaching – 10 Hours + Access to Online Course – 30 hours)