• Professional Development
  • Medicine & Nursing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

5 Educators providing Courses in London delivered Online





WHO WE ARE? “Mangates” is one of the Leading Competency developers, Mangates has developed a proven foundation for building specialized training programs. No matter which Mangates training division you are working with, you can expect the same high-quality training experience and expertise that makes Mangates stand out above the competition. All of our instructors are recognized experts in their fields with hands-on experience on the topics they teach. We combine proven adult educational training methods with leading-edge industry expertise to provide you an exceptional training experience. Every instructor must meet rigorous standards with the proven background in their given field of expertise. It is the difference that our customers covet and participant appreciates at the completion of the course. WHAT WE DO? We deliver training solutions to Corporate, Government Agencies, Public sectors, Multinational organizations and Private Individuals. Our Primary focus is to train in a wide range of areas from IT Technical, Personal Development, Human Resources and Management Courses to Project, Program and IT Service Management. We have most experienced trainers in the Industry. Our Trainers are highly skilled in their subject areas and are uniquely positioned to provide participants with deep industry experience. They are motivated to transfer knowledge through practical support post and pre-training to provide participants with additional support outside the classroom.

Uk Certification Association

uk certification association


United Kingdom Certification Association (UKCA) is a famous professional certification center, with 10 years development in China, it has established the perfect UKCA curriculum system, certification system, examination system and employment service system. UK Certification Association (UKCA) has establish cooperation with ShenZhen MYAJ international cultural exchange co., LTD(MYAJ). and authorized it to establish headquarters in China, set up certification standards and examination system. MYAJ is also responsible for works like managing Chinese partners, agents and students and has the ability to authorize agent with limited period. The UK Certification Association, or UKCA.Established in London, UK, it is a member of ACA certification alliance of international certification standards committee and is supervised by it. Following the mutual recognition of international certification standards, it is a professional organisation focusing on vocational skills certification in the UK.UKCA is dedicated to vocational training, online examinations, certification and cultural exchange activities at various occupational levels. It integrates the UK and international assessment systems and provides assessment and certification services for dozens of projects in management, market, trade, art, finance and other fields.Professors from the university of Oxford, the university of Cambridge, the university of Edinburgh, the university of London, the university of Manchester, the university of Sheffield, the university of Aberdeen and other famous British universities and executives of multinational companies served as its expert committee members. it has obtained legal registration from the British government and established a good strategic cooperative relationship with various industry associations around the world.

Wine Education Service Limited

wine education service limited


What makes our wine tastings, wine courses and wine tasting events special? Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers Great Tutors An Unparalleled Range of Courses Small Classes Flexible Booking Impartial Advice Satisfied Customers We have been running wine tastings and wine tasting courses in London for over 25 years, in Manchester for over 15 in Aberdeen and Birmingham for over 10 and in Belfast for 4. Over this time, we have created a following of over 10,000 satisfied customers. And today, over 60% of new customers book for our wine tastings and wine tasting courses on the personal recommendation of a friend or colleague. Great Tutors Our tutors are at the top of their profession. All are qualified to WSET Diploma level and are members of the UK Association of Wine Educators, the professional body for those who make their living in whole or in part from teaching about wine. Many are also members of the elite Circle of Wine Writers. All travel widely to keep their wine knowledge up to date. Skilled communicators, they know how to make wine tasting and learning about wine fun. An Unparalleled Range of Courses We were the first in the UK to offer a comprehensive range of wine tastings, wine tasting courses and wine tasting events designed primarily to appeal to wine consumers rather than aspiring members of the wine trade. In addition to weekly wine tastings in London, we organise over 30 introductory wine tasting courses a year in London and other UK cities, over 20 intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and, for those with hectic weekday schedules, wine tasting workshops on Saturdays, when lunch is an integral part of the day. Although wine consumers still make up the majority of our customers, our London wine tastings and intermediate and advanced wine courses are growing in appeal to people studying for their wine trade qualifications, especially WSET Diploma and the prestigious, but for many, elusive Master of Wine qualification. Small Classes We know of some wine course providers who pack 30 people or more into a class. We think that’s way too many. In a class of that size, learning is more difficult, participation is inhibited and you never get to know the other people in the room. We limit bookings for our introductory, intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and our Saturday wine tasting workshops to 16 people – much more sociable, much more fun. Flexible Booking Many people who sign up for our wine tasting courses on weekday evenings lead busy lives, working under pressure and travelling on business, often at short notice. We understand the problem. If you have to miss a course session, you may either send a substitute or pick up that session on a subsequent course. Just let us know and we will make the arrangements. We make no charge for this and set no time limit! Impartial Advice Many wine tastings and wine tasting courses are run by wine merchants. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to get potential customers into their stores and promote sales of their wines. We are not wine merchants. We don’t sell wine. We are not paid by any wine merchant to promote their wines. So, at our wine tastings and on our wine courses, you will never come under any pressure to buy wine. The wines we select for you to taste are intended to illustrate the main points of the wine course session or the theme of the wine tasting. We hope you will enjoy most of the wines we give you to taste but don’t necessarily expect you to enjoy them all. Your course tutor will help you to understand what makes a wine enjoyable. But he or she will also tell you if a wine is too young, too old, too acidic, too alcoholic or just plain faulty. Just imagine a wine merchant doing that! Wherever possible, we buy the wines we give you to taste from local retail outlets. We will tell you where we bought them and how much we paid. So, if you like a particular wine, you can shop for more with confidence and without difficulty.

Jobs4U - Your It- Recruitment Partner

jobs4u - your it- recruitment partner


Jobs4U -Your European and American IT-recruitment Partner JoBs4U is an IT-recruitment firm with a twist. We provide high quality IT-recruitment solutions to clients all over the EU and the US. We provide our clients with top notch staff from accross the EU and the wider world. Our main markets are the Nordics, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland the UK and the rest of the EU. We help companies of all sizes with recruitment and staffing both on - site and remote teams as well as consultancy in HR, management, marketing management, internationalisation of businesses, in other words, we are not just an IT-recruiter.. We provide our customers with everything from full stack developers to programmers and designers, many which are game designers and game developers to our clients in the gaming industry. We provide both front end developers and back end developers and other specialists. Our social mission is to promote women in IT, to inform and inspire. JoBs4U, For People By People! Jobs4U är ett IT rekryterings företag som hjälper IT företag inom hela EU hitta personal Vår främsta marknad är den Nordiska, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge och Island. Vi rekryterar allt från full stack developers till programmerare och spelutvecklare och designers. Vi hyr även ut personal både de som ärbetar på plats men även remote teams som är vår specialitet. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster inom HR, Management, marknadsföring och organisation. Vår mission är att arbeta för en större inklusivitet genom att arbeta för att öka andelen kvinnor inom IT branschen. Detta gör vi genom att föra fram starka kvinnliga kandidater, att informera och inspirera. JoBs4u - För Människor, Av Människor. Jobs4U er et IT -rekrutteringsselskap som hjelper IT -selskaper i hele EU, men vårt hovedmarked er de nordiske landene, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra full stack -utviklere til programmerere og spillutviklere og designere. Vi ansetter også ansatte både de som jobber på stedet, men også eksterne team som er vår spesialitet. Vi tilbyr også konsulenttjenester innen HR, ledelse, markedsføring og organisasjon. Vårt oppdrag er å arbeide for større inkludering ved å arbeide for å øke andelen kvinner i IT -bransjen. Vi gjør dette ved å bringe frem sterke kvinnelige kandidater, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, av mennesker. Jobs4U er en IT -rekrutteringsvirksomhed, der hjælper it -virksomheder i hele EU, men vores hovedmarked er de nordiske lande, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra fulde stack -udviklere til programmører og spiludviklere og designere. Vi ansætter også personale både dem, der arbejder på stedet, men også fjernteam, som er vores speciale. Vi tilbyder også konsulentydelser inden for HR, Management, marketing og organisation. Vores mission er at arbejde for større inklusivitet ved at arbejde for at øge andelen af kvinder i it -branchen. Det gør vi ved at bringe stærke kvindelige kandidater frem, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, af mennesker. Jobs4U er ráðningarfyrirtæki í upplýsingatækni sem hjálpar upplýsingatæknifyrirtækjum um allt ESB en aðalmarkaðurinn okkar er Norðurlöndin, Svíþjóð, Finnland, Danmörk, Noregur og Ísland. Við ráðum allt frá hönnuði til fullra stafla til forritara og leikjahönnuða og hönnuða. Við ráðum einnig starfsfólk bæði þá sem vinna á staðnum en einnig afskekkt teymi sem er sérgrein okkar. Við bjóðum einnig upp á ráðgjafarþjónustu í HR, stjórnun, markaðssetningu og skipulagi. Markmið okkar er að vinna að aukinni aðgreiningu með því að vinna að því að auka hlutfall kvenna í upplýsingatækniiðnaði. Við gerum þetta með því að koma fram sterkum kvenkyns frambjóðendum, upplýsa og hvetja. JoBs4u - Fyrir fólk, eftir fólki. Jobs4U on IT -rekrytointiyritys, joka auttaa IT -yrityksiä kaikkialla EU: ssa, mutta päämarkkina -alueemme ovat Pohjoismaat, Ruotsi, Suomi, Tanska, Norja ja Islanti. Rekrytoimme kaikkea täyspino -kehittäjistä ohjelmoijiin, pelikehittäjiin ja suunnittelijoihin. Palkkaamme myös henkilökuntaa sekä paikan päällä työskenteleviä että myös etätyöryhmiä, jotka ovat erikoisuutemme. Tarjoamme myös henkilöstöhallinnon, johtamisen, markkinoinnin ja organisaation konsultointipalveluja. Missiomme on parantaa osallisuutta lisäämällä naisten osuutta IT -alalla. Teemme tämän tuomalla esiin vahvoja naiskandidaatteja, informoimalla ja inspiroimalla. JoBs4u - Ihmisille, Ihmisille. Jobs4U ist ein IT-Recruitment-Unternehmen, das IT-Unternehmen in der gesamten EU hilft, aber unser Hauptmarkt sind die nordischen Länder, Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark, Norwegen und Island. Wir rekrutieren alles, von Full-Stack-Entwicklern über Programmierer bis hin zu Spieleentwicklern und -designern. Wir stellen auch Mitarbeiter ein, die sowohl vor Ort arbeiten, als auch Remote-Teams, was unsere Spezialität ist. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Beratungsleistungen in den Bereichen Personal, Management, Marketing und Organisation an. Unsere Mission ist es, für mehr Inklusion zu arbeiten, indem wir daran arbeiten, den Frauenanteil in der IT-Branche zu erhöhen. Wir tun dies, indem wir starke Kandidatinnen hervorbringen, informieren und inspirieren. JoBs4u - Für Menschen, von Menschen. Jobs4U es una empresa de contratación de TI que ayuda a empresas de TI en toda la UE, pero nuestro principal mercado son los países nórdicos, Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega e Islandia. Reclutamos todo, desde desarrolladores full stack hasta programadores y desarrolladores y diseñadores de juegos. También contratamos personal tanto a los que trabajan en el sitio como a equipos remotos que es nuestra especialidad. También ofrecemos servicios de consultoría en RRHH, Management, marketing y organización. Nuestra misión es trabajar por una mayor inclusión trabajando para aumentar la proporción de mujeres en la industria de TI. Hacemos esto presentando candidatas sólidas, informando e inspirando. JoBs4u: para personas, por personas. Jobs4U est une société de recrutement informatique qui aide les entreprises informatiques dans toute l'UE, mais notre marché principal est les pays nordiques, la Suède, la Finlande, le Danemark, la Norvège et l'Islande. Nous recrutons tout, des développeurs full stack aux programmeurs et développeurs et concepteurs de jeux. Nous embauchons également du personnel à la fois ceux qui travaillent sur place mais aussi des équipes à distance ce qui est notre spécialité. Nous offrons également des services de conseil en RH, Management, marketing et organisation. Notre mission est de travailler pour une plus grande inclusion en travaillant à augmenter la proportion de femmes dans l'industrie informatique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons des candidatures féminines fortes, informatives et inspirantes. JoBs4u - Pour les gens, par les gens. Python. Java. Ruby/Ruby on Rails. HTML. JavaScript. C Language. C++ C# Objective-C. PHP. SQL. Swift. programmers, programmerare IT-recruitment Stockholm IT-recruitment København IT-recruitment Oslo IT-recruitment Helsinki IT-recruitment Helsingfors IT-recruitment Glasgow IT-recruitment London IT-recruitment Dublin IT-recruitment Slough IT-recruitment New York IT-recruitment sillicon valley IT-recruitment Manchester IT-recruitment Liverpool IT-recruitment East London IT-recruitment West London IT-recruitment Bergen IT-recruitment Vaasa IT-recruitment Turku IT-recruitment Åbo IT-recruitment Hollola IT-recruitment Lahti IT-recruitment Nokia IT-recruitment Mariehamn IT-recruitment Åland IT-recruitment Visby IT-recruitment Göteborg IT-recruitment Malmö IT-recruitment Umeå IT-recruitment Luleå IT-recruitment Linköpig IT-recrutment Västerås IT-recruitment Eskilstuna IT-recruitment Örebro IT-recruitment Köping IT-recruitment Södertälje IT-recruitment Huddinge IT-recruitment Uppsala IT-recruitment Odense IT-recruitment Danmark IT recruitment Sweden IT-recruitment Denmark IT-recruitment Norge IT-recruitment Norway IT-recruitment Finland IT-recruiter Stockholm IT-recruiter København IT-recruiter Oslo IT-recruiter Helsinki IT-recruiter Helsingfors IT-recruiter Glasgow IT-recruiter London IT-recruiter Dublin IT-recruiter Slough IT-recruiter New York IT-recruiter sillicon valley IT-recruiter Manchester IT-recruiter Liverpool IT-recruiter East London IT-recruiter West London IT-recruiter Bergen IT-recruiter Vaasa IT-recruiter Turku IT-recruiter Åbo IT-recruiter Hollola IT-recruiter Lahti IT-recruiter Nokia IT-recruiter Mariehamn IT-recruiter Åland IT-recruiter Visby IT-recruiter Göteborg IT-recruiter Malmö IT-recruiter Umeå IT-recruiter Luleå IT-recruiter Linköpig IT-recruter Västerås IT-recruiter Eskilstuna IT-recruiter Örebro IT-recruiter Köping IT-recruiter Södertälje IT-recruiter Huddinge IT-recruiter Uppsala IT-recruiter Odense IT-recruiter Danmark IT recruiter Sweden IT-recruiter Denmark IT-recruiter Norge IT-recruiter Norway IT-recruiter Finland IT-recruitment Tallinn IT-recruiter Tallinn IT-recruitment Tartu IT-recruiter Tartu IT-recruiter Riga IT-recruitment Riga IT-recruiter Vilnius IT-recruitment Vilnius IT-recruiter Warsaw IT-recruitment Warsaw IT-recruiter Bonn IT-recruiter Haag IT-recruitment Bonn IT-recruiter Amsterdam IT-recruitment Amsterdam IT-recruiter Galway IT-recruitment Galway IT-recruiter Cork IT-recruitment Cork IT-recruiter Aberdeen IT-recruitment Aberdeen IT-rekrytering Stockholm IT-rekrytering Göteborg IT-rekrytering Malmö IT-rekrytering Uppsala IT-rekrytering Karlstad IT-rekrytering Visby IT-rekrytering Luleå IT-rekrytering Umeå IT-rekrytering Sundsvall IT-rekrytering Västerås IT-rekrytering Eskilstuna IT-rekrytering Södertälje IT-rekrytering Småland IT-rekrytering Trelleborg IT-rekrytering Vimmerby IT-rekrytering Linköping IT-rekrytering Lidköping IT-rekrytering Åmål IT-rekrytering Vetlanda IT-rekrytering Kalmar IT-rekrytering Mariehamn IT-rekrytering Åbo IT-rekrytering Turku IT-rekrytering Åland IT-rekruttering Oslo IT-rekruttering Bergen IT-rekruttering Norge IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Trondheim IT-rekruttering Kristiansand IT-rekruttering Fredrikstad IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Sarpsborg IT-rekruttering Moss IT-rekruttering Ålesund IT-rekruttering Haugesund IT-rekruttering Halden IT-rekruttering Kongsberg IT-rekruttering Bodø IT-rekruttering Askøy IT-rekruttering Tønsberg IT-rekruttering Sandnes IT-rekruttering København IT-rekruttering Odense IT-rekruttering Fyn IT -rekruttering Aalborg IT-rekruttering Fredrikshavn IT-rekruttering Aarhus IT-rekruttering Roskilde IT-rekruttering Odense IT-Personalberatung Berlin IT-Personalberatung Bonn IT-Personalberatung Hannover IT-Personalberatung Hamburg IT-Personalberatung Deuchland IT-Personalberatung Frankfurt IT-Personalberatung Dortmund IT-Personalberatung Essen IT-Personalberatung Bremen IT-Personalberatung Leipzig IT-Personalberatung Nuremburg IT-Personalberatung Wuppertal IT-Personalberatung Karlsruhe IT-Personalberatung Mannheim IT-Personalberatung Ausburg IT-Personalberatung Wiesbaden IT-Personalberatung Gelsenkirschen IT-Personalberatung Braunschweig IT-Personalberatung Kiel IT-Personalberatung Krefeld IT-Personalberatung Rostock IT-Personalberatung Mainz IT-rekrytointi Helsinki IT-rekrytointi Turku IT-rekrytointi Lahti IT-rekrytointi Nokia IT-rekrytointi Vaasa IT-rekrytointi Suomi IT-rekrytointi Tampere IT-rekrytointi Oulu IT-rekrytointi Jyväskylä IT-rekrytointi Kotka IT-rekrytointi Pori IT-rekrytointi Rauma IT-rekrytointi Salo IT-rekrytointi Jakobstad IT-rekrytointi Kemi IT-rekrytointi Tornio IT-rekrytointi Kouvola IT-rekrytointi Hyvinkää IT-rekrytointi Imatra We recruit full-stack developers, programmers, game developers and other IT-professionals. We help recruit professionals in Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript/ NodeJS, TypeScript, Go, C++, Swift, c#, R, PHP, Dart, Kotlin, MATLAB, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala. IT-recruiter Dallas IT-recruitment Dallas IT-recruiter Chicago IT-recruitment Chicago IT-recruiter Washington IT-recruitment Washington IT-recruiter Calgary IT-recruitment Calgary IT-recruiter Tampa IT-recruitment Tampa IT-recruiter Oregon IT-recruitment Oregon IT-recruiter Miami IT-recruitment Miami IT-recruiter Jersey IT-recruiter Jersey IT-recruiter Cyprus IT-recruitment Cyprus IT-recruiter Staffordshere IT-recruitment Staffordshere IT-recruitment Madrid IT-recruiter Madrid IT-recruiter Nederlands IT-recruitment Nederlands IT-recruiter UK IT-recruitment UK IT-recruiter Canada IT-recruitment Canada it recruitment it recruitment agencies it staffing agencies it staffing companies it staffing agencies near me it headhunters it recruiting firms us it staffing it staffing services it recruitment consultant us it recruitment it recruitment companies it temp agencies it staffing firms it job consultancy near me best it recruitment agencies it staffing solutions it recruitment 2021 it 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Courses matching "Aberdeen"

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Subsea Control Systems & Umbilicals

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Training Course This course will provide detailed learning to the various aspects of the design, analysis and operation of subsea control systems for a variety of field development options to allow effective management of subsea facilities either from offshore structures or from shore bases. This will include power and telemetry focussing on electrical, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic systems, shut down systems, and application of intelligent monitoring and 'smart' fields. Training Objectives By attending this course, participants will be able to: To provide detailed knowledge and understanding of the requirements for, and design of, subsea electrical, electro-hydraulic, hydraulic and programmable control systems. Knowledge of the components and uses of a wide variety of subsea control systems the requirements for and design implications, of umbilicals and control lines (power and telemetry) Knowledge of, and ability to model, power requirements subsea and detailed understanding of the requirements and objectives of pre-commissioning, both at the factory and in situ. Knowledge of the standards involved in design of equipment, control and application of manual and automatic shut-down valves, and emergency response systems Introduction to design of redundancy and the role of spare capacity and to be able to put this knowledge to effect to contribute to detailed field design. An understanding of obsolescence management in subsea control systems Target Audience This course is intended for Offshore and Onshore Subsea Production Control Systems; Engineers, Technicians, Supervisors, Operators; Graduates; Apprentices; transfers from other industries, and existing staff with a limited exposure to Production Control and a need to understand the more technical aspects of the system. Companies not directly involved in the day-to-day support of the industry, but occasionally involved in supplying and supporting operators; manufacturers and suppliers of Oil and Gas equipment and services may also find this a useful course to understand how their equipment and technical expertise is integrated into the Offshore system. Trainer For most of his working life, your expert course leader has been in a role that has enabled him to pass on skills and knowledge to others. A full-time role in Training and Development came about in 1996 with the offer to take up a full-time teaching post at Aberdeen College. In 1998, he was recruited by Kvaerner Oilfield Products, an Oil & Gas industry company, specialising in Subsea Control Systems, to develop and implement a Training & Competence program acceptable for its staff of over 600 and their client companies - a challenge he could not resist. In 2003, he broadened his horizons and became an independent Training & Development consultant. Building a reputation for delivering training and development to the Oil & Gas industry to the highest standards, he later joined Jee Ltd, a leading subsea engineering and training company based in Aberdeen. He was tasked with a wide portfolio of training, coaching & mentoring to achieve high levels of competence for the client's staff and customers. He is also a Science and Engineering Ambassador (Scotland), promoting the need for engineers and technicians for Scotland's industries, a frequent consultant to the European Economic & Social Committee for standardising Vocational Skills training and competence throughout the EU. He holds memberships in the Society of Operations Engineers, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and Society of Underwater Technologies. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Subsea Control Systems & Umbilicals
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,009 to £3,499

About this Training Course Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) offers opportunities to improve safety and efficiency in drilling, and it is increasingly recognised by operators and regulators. MPD aims to cost effectively resolve chronic drilling problems that contribute to non-productive time. This 3 full-day course provides participants with an understanding of the MPD techniques and equipment. The course starts with the design requirements for an MPD operation. It covers all MPD methods, including constant bottom hole pressure and mud cap drilling operations. It also includes all of the rig types - both onshore and offshore - and MPD. MPD equipment is presented in detail and the design aspects of the well are also examined. Training Objectives This course aims to provide participants with a good understanding of the various aspects of managed pressure drilling. It also enables participants to gain knowledge of planning MPD operations, type of equipment and the equipment requirements for both onshore and offshore and MPD operations. At the end of the course, participants will be able to: Understand the variations in MPD Design MPD operations for various techniques Understand the engineering requirements of MPD Define MPD equipment requirements Understand operational and well control aspects of MPD Target Audience This course is designed for engineers, managers and service providers who are about to use MPD techniques and are trying to better understand the associated complexities and challenges surrounding MPD. Trainer Your expert course leader was born and raised in Nijmegen, Netherlands. He holds an MSc in Drilling Engineering from The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen and has over 39 years of oilfield experience. He started in the industry back in 1977 as a Mud logger before becoming a wellsite drilling engineer in 1980 working mainly in the Middle East and West Africa. In 1988, he joined Shell in in the Southern North Sea. In 1995, he joined Smedvig in Norway and worked on a number of deepwater wells as well as on underbalanced drilling operations. In 1999, he started Leading Edge Advantage in Aberdeen and worked in coiled tubing, underbalanced and managed pressure drilling. In 2004, he joined Weatherford as Regional Engineering Manager in Singapore and developed the first ultra deepwater MPD systems. In 2010, he joined SPT Group specializing in well control and hydraulics modelling. SPT Group was later acquired by Schlumberger in 2012. At Schlumberger, he was Drilling Adviser, with a focus on well control, relief well planning and MPD. During that time, he was also an instructor for NExT teaching numerous well engineering courses. In 2015, he joined Wild Well as Engineering Manager in Asia and in February 2017, he became an independent consultant concentrating on provision of drilling engineering training. He has written and presented numerous papers and authored several chapters in the SPE Advanced Technology books. He is an active committee member and speaker on numerous SPE Workshops around the world. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD)
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,063 to £2,399

Subsea Production Engineering - Incorporating Subsea Tie-backs - Virtual Instructor Led Training

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Virtual instructor Led Training (VILT)  The Subsea Production Engineering Virtual instructor Led Training (VILT) course provides an overview of all of the functionalities and key interfaces of subsea equipment. The VILT course will refer to relevant industry engineering standards for subsea equipment, subsea tie-backs and critical operational requirements. The sessions will cover challenges associated with equipment design and installability, as well as a new module on subsea tie-backs. The primary learning objectives for this VILT course are met through a combination of interactive presentations, discussion and exercises. Training Objectives By the end of this VILT course, participants will be able to: Apply the requirements of related industry standards (API 6A/ 17D, API 17A etc.) engineering standards Understand the barrier and qualification requirements Identify the barriers in place given a specific mode of operation Evaluate and select which tree alternatives are valid based on the key design drivers Identify and describe the key design drivers Explain the importance of well kill rate Describe which tree alternatives are valid for certain scenarios based on an evaluation of the key tree design requirements Examine what effects subsurface requirements may have on tree design Understand the challenges associated with designing equipment for manufacturability and installability Recognise the implications of design changes to specific components and the effects on transportation and installation (such as what type of vessels, lifting equipment, and tools to use and the logistical requirements) Recognise the implication of design changes on manufacturability of subsea equipment Target Audience This VILT course provides a comprehensive understanding of the equipment used in subsea production systems. It is designed for petroleum engineers, production engineers, subsea project engineers and is also highly suitable for cost, planning, offshore installation and offshore operations engineers. Anyone directly or indirectly involved with subsea equipment will benefit from attending this VILT course - from engineers installing the equipment to procurement staff looking to understand more. Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 4 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. Course Duration: 4 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (16 hours in total). Trainer Most of his working life, your expert course leader has been in a role that has enabled him to pass on skills and knowledge to others. A full-time role in Training and Development came about in 1996 with the offer to take up a full-time teaching post at Aberdeen College. In 1998, he was recruited by Kvaerner Oilfield Products, an Oil & Gas industry company, specialising in Subsea Control Systems, to develop and implement a Training & Competence program acceptable for its staff of over 600 and their client companies - a challenge he could not resist. In 2003, he broadened his horizons and became an independent Training & Development consultant. Building a reputation for delivering training and development to the Oil & Gas industry to the highest standards, he later joined Jee Ltd, a leading subsea engineering and training company based in Aberdeen. He was tasked with a wide portfolio of training, coaching & mentoring to achieve high levels of competence for the client's staff and customers. He is also a Science and Engineering Ambassador (Scotland), promoting the need for engineers and technicians for Scotland's industries, a frequent consultant to the European Economic & Social Committee for standardising Vocational Skills training and competence throughout the EU. He holds memberships in the Society of Operations Engineers, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and Society of Underwater Technologies. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Subsea Production Engineering - Incorporating Subsea Tie-backs - Virtual Instructor Led Training
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£1,165 to £2,199

About this Training Course  This five-day course provides an intermediate level of understanding of the geomechanical factors that affect wellbore instability, sand production and hydraulic fracture design. The course is structured such that upon completion, participants will have understood the value that geomechanics can bring to drilling, completion and production operations and will be able to leverage this value wherever it applies. The course emphasis will be on integrating the topics presented through a combination of lectures, case-studies and hands-on exercises. A special focus will be on how geomechanics knowledge is extracted from routinely acquired well data and how it is applied in the prediction and prevention of formation instability. Course Highlights The course is essentially non-mathematical and makes wide use of diagrams, pictures and exercises to illustrate the essential concepts of geomechanics Essential Rock Mechanics Principles Wellbore Stability Analysis Anisotropic Rock Properties for unconventional projects Lost Circulation and Wellbore Strengthening applications Sand Production Management Input to Hydraulic Fracture design Salt instability Training Objectives By attending this training, you will be able to acquire the following: Apply the basic concepts of geomechanics to identify, predict and mitigate against formation instability during drilling, completion and production Target Audience This course is intended for Drilling Engineers, Well Engineers, Production Technologists, Completion Engineers, Well Superintendents, Directional Drillers, Wellsite Supervisors and others, who wish to further their understanding of rock mechanics and its application to drilling and completion. There is no specific formal pre-requisite for this course. However, attendees are requested to have been exposed to drilling, completions and production operations in their positions and to have a recommended minimum of 3 years of field experience. Trainer Your Expert Course Instructor is an operational geomechanics advisor with over 46 years of experience in exploration, development and production in the upstream oil and gas industry. After obtaining a BSc (Hons) Physics degree from Aberdeen University, he worked for a variety of oil service companies in wireline operations, management and formation evaluation, before joining Schlumberger in 1995. Since 2000 he has worked principally in real-time geomechanics operations and developing acousto-geomechical applications, taking on the role of geomechanics advisor and technical manager within the Europe-Africa area of operations. Before forming his own company in 2014, Your Expert Course Instructor was one of Schlumberger's principal instructors, delivering cross-discipline internal and external geomechanics training to petrophysicists, geologists, reservoir, petroleum, well construction and drilling engineers at operating company locations, training centers and operational centers worldwide. Through extensive operational and wellsite experience gained in the North Sea, Europe, Africa, South America and the Far East, he has gained a broad based knowledge of drilling, production, log data acquisition, analysis and interpretation that has allowed him to develop and deliver pragmatic solutions to the geomechanical challenges of drilling, sand production, fracturing and unconventional reservoirs, faced by operators. His principal interests include the development and application of acousto-geomechanical techniques for the evaluation of anisotropic formations and fracture systems and the identification and prevention of wellbore instability POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,943 to £4,586

Danspirations - Dance Classes


By Danspirations

Whether it's for fun, friendship, fitness, or for your future, dancing is a great way to express yourself and grow. If you're looking for something fun and free, or something more technical and focused there's a dance class here for you. We hope you will enjoy your time at our dance school! An exciting and fresh dance school in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Danspirations - Dance Classes
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry