BPawsitive Teaching humans to talk dog. BPawsitive was born from a deep desire to help dogs and their guardians to form happy, healthy and sucessful relationships using only positive, force free and fun methods. Gone are the days when our canine companions were classed as merely pets, now they are family, and as family we want the best for them and by working together it's possible to create a strong and lasting bond that we will remember and cherish forever.
We are Manchester CoderDojo – a volunteer-led community group for young people to code and make things. We gather generally on second Sundays of the month currently at the Ada Manchester. We are run by volunteers and receive no funding. We want young people to enjoy coding and making with their friends. It seems lots of other people also agree. Manchester CoderDojo is part of an international movement of Dojos, which started in Ireland.
Cooking Lessons | Healthy Living For Life Ne, in Newcastle Looking for Cooking Lessons in the local area? Call Healthy Living For Life Ne. We provide a variety of baking lessons and cake speciality courses.
Acupuncture Ilford, Essex: TJ Acupuncture Call TJ Acupuncture for treatments to help with pain management, brain healthcare, depression, fertility support, herbal medicine and more in South East England.
Our Medics Courses are designed for Registered Medical and Dental professionals looking to either begin their journey in aesthetic medicine or to enhance their aesthetic career by continuing to develop their knowledge and skills with the most up to date advances within the aesthetics industry. We are expending our Academy and are now providing Therapists the opportunity to train with us. Therapists can view the courses suitable for their qualifications by viewing our Therapists section.
JWCCO Learning JWCCO is now offering some of it's key Classical Osteopathy publications to read online for FREE. All you need do is register here.