An hour of deep recalibration and re-soursing and relationship, under the care and auspices of moss. 'Theres a thinking that joins things up, and a thinking that joins with things' - Tim Ingold We'll combine the tools of deep-mapping, journalling and gentle breathwork. This is a themed deep-mapping offering for a small group, which may be followed up by further one to one sessions tailored to you. Read my article about Deep-Mapping here More about the unique possibilities of time with moss here This is an introduction to The Soul Shed ethos. Join the mailing list here
Food Safety, Social Care and Education Training Courses Introduction to Food Intolerances CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 hr session Do you serve food, or have people with known food intolerances in your school or on your team? In this interactive course we will explain what food intolerances are, and why it is vital for you to understand how food intolerances affect people Course Contents: What is a food intolerance Different types of food intolerances The Digestive System Consequences of Food Intolerances The importance of good food hygiene Benefits of this Short Course: More than 20% of the population in industrialized countries suffer from food intolerance or food allergy About two million people live with a diagnosed food allergy in the UK, and 32 million in the US This course will teach you the importance of ensuring food is safe to eat for all, without causing significant pain or even death 600,000 people in the UK have coeliac disease
CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course 2 hr session This training session gives a good introduction to epilepsy How can you best understand and help those affected with different types of seizures Great for those who have contact with people with epilepsy, such as family and friends, those working in education and afterschool clubs, sports and good CPD for nurses Course Contents: What is Epilepsy The different types of seizures Keeping someone safe while they're having a seizure Understand how having epilepsy affects someone's life Great for teachers and TAs in schools, for those working in care or community events, and those close to people with epilepsy Benefits of this Short Course: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions In the UK, there are over 600,000 people with a diagnosis of epilepsy That is about 1 in 103 people, or 1 child or young person in every 3 classrooms Every year, 1000 people in the UK die due to their epilepsy Help avoid unnecessary suffering or even death by knowing what to do to help while they're having an epileptic seizure, and keep them safe
Introduction to AI for Business