Liverpool Arabic Centre (LAC) was initially set up as Nadey Al – Cul in 1995 after a group of parents from Yemeni and Arabic backgrounds raised concerns with each other about their children’s educational and personal development which was being affected by negative experiences they were having within schools and unaddressed issues present due having dual heritage backgrounds. The parents’ aim was to set up a club to support children and young people from Yemeni/Arabic backgrounds for whom there was limited support available from statutory services and a lack of knowledge around specific cultural and religious issues. The aim of the club was to instill cultural pride and support the personal development of the children and young people as well as to encourage the development of their own identities within wider society by educating the children in Arabic language and also through promoting Arabic cultural awareness to the wider community particularly local schools through arts, performance and discussion. In September 2000 Nadey Al – Cul changed its name to Liverpool Yemeni Arabic Club (LYAC) to reflect its expanding service provision and provide a focus on its target group of beneficiaries. LYAC’s activities continued to focus on teaching Arabic language to children and young people, organising educational and cultural activities for families and putting on a Yemeni/Arabic festival to promote and encourage cultural awareness to people from non-Arabic backgrounds. LYAC opened its official premises in Lodge Lane in September 2000. A productive partnership was then formed with the Bluecoat Arts Centre – Nadey Al Bluecoat –which has since developed into the highly successful annual Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival. In 2006 LYAC went through a process of re-branding in order to address the changing needs of the community and to cater for the wider Arab communities settling in the Merseyside area in recent years. LYAC became the Liverpool Arabic Centre
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