Experienced and qualified Deaf tutor with over 30 years experience with teaching British Sign Language and Deaf Awareness. Earshot Communication Services is an approved centre to provide Signature accredited courses in British Sign Language.
Capoeira Science London Capoeira Classes in London for kids and adults of all levels. Beginner movement and acrobatics classes
Driving School London | Driving Lessons | Beginner driving lessons Driving lessons for beginners, intermediate,full licence holder and pass plus.
East Lothian Guitar Lessons can help you to learn guitar!Whether you are a complete beginner or just want to improve your playing, we can teach you. We teach all ages from children up to retired adults and all levels from beginner through to Grade 8. We have Registry of Guitar Tutors and Rockschool certified teachers that can help you achieve you guitar playing goals.
We offer tailored 30 minute low ratios or 15 minute 1:1 swimming lessons in Private Pools. From 3+ years independent, adult & child 15min 1:1's. We also offer adult beginner lessons. We focus on water safety in a deep water environment.
Guitar Lessons|Ayr Prestwick|Scott's Guitar Lessons If you want to learn electric or acoustic guitar contact Scott. Lessons range from complete beginner to advanced, for any age and any style of music. Learn the guitar in a fun, musically focused way.
1plusdriving Automatic driving lessons from beginner to advanced courses, nervous and disabled lessons, carried out by a fully qualified disabled specialist.
Golf Instruction | T.Hodgson Golf | Carlisle Golf lessons and coaching at Eden Golf club, Carlisle, Cumbria. Junior, adult, beginner or advance development.
Guitar Lessons | Daniel Anderson Guitar Tuition | Northern Ireland Daniel Anderson Guitar Tuition offers Guitar Lessons to ages 5 upwards, Beginner to Advanced.
Beginner photography workshops | oakwood New Milton Oakwood Photography Tuition. Digital photography courses held locally in New Milton for beginer or advanced clients.