Sports and Recreation Education - Competitive Training Disability access. Sports and Recreation education. Safeguarding, Sports-coaching and Nutrition, Working with Vulnerable People and S.E.N Teaching level 5 Diplomas.
Business K9 Solutions Bespoke Dog Training, Dog Behaviour on a 1:2:1 basis or Course/Classes available for Puppy Socialisation, Obedience, Agility, Hoopers and K9 Fun Club
Arif Rashid: Cricket Coaching | Professional Cricket Coaching, Mitcham, South London
Lifelong learning is the key to the company philosophy, widening participation and access to all is important to us. You may participate in continued learning or have returned to learning with us Tree Life aims to meet your challenge by: Sharing your vision Delivering valued learning Strengthening your confidence Exploring and stimulating your mind Contributing to changing your life thoughts and making education work as an economic policy for you and your family.
Phillipa Hogan - School of Dance - Home Phillipa Hogan School of Dance is one of the largest of it's kind in South West Surrey offering dance classes in Rad Ballet, ISTD Tap, Modern and Contemporary Dance.
Tori Ratcliffe is an Edinburgh-based artist, born and bred in Hampshire. She was first introduced to watercolours at the age of 21 after asking her aunt for a lesson, but she found she was too impatient to grasp the traditional methods and instead developed her own unique style; applying the paint first in loose expressive strokes and then drawing the details afterwards in ink.