Stay Prepared and Confident! Ensure you're always ready to handle emergencies by keeping your first aid skills up-to-date. Sign up today for our Annual First Aid Skills Update course and continue to be a reliable first responder in your workplace or community.
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Dumfries
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Airdrie
10 Soft Skills You Need 1 Day Training in Cardiff
Time Management 1 Day Training in Keynes
Covering both fingers & toes application Suitable for: Complete beginners TIME: 10am - 5:30pm Models: 2 live model during training day What's covered: Introduction to gel polish Health & safety & hygiene Skin analysis Nail Complications Nail Anatomy Check List Contraindications Pre/post treatment advice Equipment and products Consultation Application Trouble shooting And so much more! Extra's Basic business start up support Social media tips Follow up call to find out how your getting on and any questions you may have Small groups (Max 4) Ongoing support
Business Networking 1 Day Training in Milton Keynes