This course aims to increase and enhance delegates’ understanding of the various financial crime threats which impact upon the organisations, sectors and regions in which they operate and provide them with the tools to mitigate those threats. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject but ensures through a high level of interactivity that delegates with any level of experience in the field will be able to share and receive the collective knowledge of the group.
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This one-day course focuses on issues such as writing formulas and accessing help while writing them, and taking formulas to the next level by nesting one inside another for a powerful formula result. It also looks at ways of analysing data with reports, summarised by varying criteria. A range of time-saving tips and tricks are shared. This course will help participants: Calculate with absolute reference Group worksheets Link to tables Use the function library effectively Get to grips with the logical IF function Use conditional formatting Create pivot table reports Use data validation Master the VLOOKUP function 1 Calculating with absolute reference The difference between a relative and absolute formula Changing a relative formula to an absolute Using $ signs to lock cells when copying formulas 2 Grouping worksheets Grouping sheets together Inputting data into multiple sheets Writing a 3D formula to sum tables across sheets 3 Linking to tables Linking to a source table Using paste link to link a table to another file Using edit links to manage linked tables 4 The function library Benefits of writing formulas in the function library Finding the right formula using insert function Outputting statistics with COUNTA and COUNTBLANK Counting criteria in a list with COUNTIFS 5 Logical IF Function Outputting results from tests Running multiple tests for multiple results The concept of outputting results from numbers 6 Conditional formatting Enabling text and numbers to standout Applying colour to data using rules Managing rules Copying rules with the format painter 7 View side by side Comparing two Excel tables together Comparing two sheets together in the same file 8 Pivot table reports Analysing data with pivot tables Managing a pivot table's layout Outputting statistical reports Controlling number formats Visualising reports with pivot charts Inserting slicers for filtering data 9 Data validation Restricting data input with data validation Speeding up data entry with data validation 10 VLOOKUP function Best practices for writing a VLOOKUP A false type lookup A true type lookup Enhance formula results with IFNA 11 Print options Getting the most from print Printing page titles across pages Scaling content for print
This one-day workshop is designed to give you an awareness of the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel and, in particular, to give you the confidence needed to efficiently create, edit and manage spreadsheets. This course will help participants: Create tables Use functions Manage rows and columns Write formulas Manage sheets Use content formats Handle larger tables Create reports and charts 1 Creating a table Creating an Excel table from scratch Wrapping text in cells Speeding up data entry using AutoFill Sorting columns 2 Inserting function Inserting function calculators Using AutoSum to sum numbers Statistical calculations AVERAGE, MAX and MIN 3 Table rows and columns Inserting and deleting rows and columns Adjusting multiple column widths and row heights Hiding and unhiding rows and columns 4 Formula writing The basics of formula writing Understanding mathematical symbols Using multiple mathematical symbols in a formula When to use brackets Troubleshooting calculation errors 5 Managing sheets Inserting, renaming, moving and deleting sheets Copying a worksheet to another file Copying a table to another sheet 6 Managing content formats Applying data formats Managing number formats Controlling formats with the Format Painter 7 Managing larger tables Applying freeze panes to lock tables when scrolling Sorting on multiple columns Using filters to extract table information 8 Creating and modifying charts Creating a pie chart Creating a column chart Inserting chart titles and data labels Controlling chart formatting Changing chart types 9 Printing Previewing and printing tables and charts Modifying page orientation Adjusting print margins Printing a selection 10 Calculating with absolute reference The difference between a relative and absolute formula Changing a relative formula to an absolute Using $ signs to lock cells when copying formulas 11 Pivot tables Create a pivot table report Insert a pivot chart into a report
Most people only use a fraction of Excel's capabilities. This workshop shows what you've been missing! This course will help participants: Nest formulas Get the most from pivot tables Use conditional formatting Write array formulas Explore the lookup functions Calculate by criteria Use 'goal seek' and 'scenario manager' for what-if analysis Record macros 1 Nesting formulas Principles of nesting formulas together Using IF with AND or OR to answer questions Nesting an AND function in an IF Nesting an OR function in an IF 2 Advanced pivot table reports Grouping dates, numerical and text items Running percentage analyse Running analyses to compare data Inserting Field calculations Finishing off with a user-friendly dashboard 3 Advanced conditional formatting Colour table rows based on criteria in it Applying colour to approaching dates Exploring the different rule types 4 Lookup functions Going beyond the VLOOKUP function Lookups that retrieve data from left or right The versatile INDEX and MATCH functions Retrieving data from columns with duplicates 5 Calculate by criteria Using SUMIFS to sum by criteria Finding an average by criteria with AVERAGEIFS Use SUMPRODUCT to multiply then add different values 6 What-if analysis Use Goal Seek to meet targets Forecast reports with the Scenario Manager 7 Recording Macros Macro security Understanding a Relative References macro Recording, running and editing macros Saving files as Macro Enabled Workbooks Introduction to VBA code Making macros available across workbooks Add a macro button to the Quick Access toolbar
Microsoft Excel is the world's most popular spreadsheet program, learning how to use the software with Osborne Training shows that you've taken one of the best Excel training courses available. A comprehensive training course with up to date material to practice at home and during your class. You will also be provided a step by step manual of all the tricks you can do using Excel spreadsheets to gain better management reporting and budgeting skills. It is a fundamental programme for professional Accountants. Excel spread sheets are the most powerful tool, extensively used for reporting and analysis. Having advanced skills on excel can excel your career and help you to stand ahead of the competitive job market. Advanced skills on excel is a must for any potential professional accountants. You will receive an attendance certificate once you complete the course successfully. Excel Course Content Creating worksheets, formatting text Simple and complex formulas Handling rows and columns Autocomplete, using styles, headers and footers, Average, max and min functions and using charts. Use of IF Formula Summing Techniques Cell References Formula Linking Sumifs Tables and Bordering Look up References (Vlookup, Hlookup,etc) Data Validation Conditional Formatting Date & Time Formulas Charts & Graphs Protection & Security Creating Pivot Table Pivot Table Analysis
Expand your VBA knowledge further and learn some of the more advanced coding features. Course overview Duration: 2 days (13 hours) This course is aimed at experienced VBA users or those who have attended our Part 1 course and have started to use the language. Part 2 expands on the huge array of commands and elements of the data model that can be used and looks at building more complex VBA models Objectives By the end of the course you will be able to: Use comparison operators and system functions Use Arrays Work with ranges Work with the worksheets and workbooks collections and objects Use application objects Use the FileSystemObject Create function procedures Import and save text files Connect to other applications Content Comparison operators Using Comparison operators and functions The LIKE function Wildcards Using SELECT Case System functions The VAL function Case functions Trim functions Text functions Date functions Excel worksheet functions Using Excel functions in VBA Arrays Creating arrays Using arrays Ubound and Lbound Single and multi dimensional arrays Static vs dynamic arrays Working with ranges Creating range objects Passing data between range objects and arrays Using Transpose The Excel object model The object browser Working with collections Collections Creating object variables Setting object variables The For Each . . . Next Loo Sheet collections The worksheets collection The worksheet object The sheets collection Using object Grouping worksheets Using Typename The Workbook collection The workbooks collection Setting workbook variables Application objects Excel default information Display/alerts Screen updating Status bar On Time Using Wait Systems dialog boxes Showing dialog boxes Using dialog boxes Working with files Searching for files and folders The DIR function The FileSystemObject Function procedures Creating functions Adding arguments Calling functions Working with text files Searching for files and folders The DIR function The FileSystemObject Using the FILE and FOLDER collections Sharing data with other applications Early vs Late Binding Setting references to other applications Creating application variables Setting application variables