Portrait painting from photographs in Worcester.
Beginner Irish Dance class Welcoming boys and girls aged 4+ to learn the fundamentals of Irish Dance in a fun and friendly environment Mondays, 5pm-6pm in Leeds 15 Contact gibbonsacademyid@gmail.com for more information and to register your child's place
This foundational course will help all managers better understand what a procurement function does, including the processes, tools and techniques it employs to reach its goals and how it measures its business performance. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: Explain the contribution of procurement to the overall business objectives. Explain the added value that can be obtained by a business when it manages its procurement activities efficiently and effectively. Understand the complex activity of procurement and the challenges it presents for risk management. Develop good quality procurement practices that will manage the expectations of all stakeholders Identify methods by which a procurement function can be measured and performance monitored. Perform contract management activities. Understand ways in which improvements might be identified and implemented. COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: Procurement and business objectives Stakeholder Management Commercial Specifications Whole Life Costing Targeted procurement Procurement planning Supplier Appraisal and selection RFQ & ITT & Evaluation Contract Management
This course looks at the key processes in supply chains and how they interact; the most common supply chain terms and how they are utilised to describe supply chain activities. It will cover the definitions of transport modes and how to select the most appropriate one; the role of logistics partners in the extended supply chain and the definition and use of Incoterms. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: Explain the term “Supply Chain” Define main activities in Transport & Freight Management Describe the key principles of Warehousing Interpret INCOTERMS COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: Freight terminology & global trade terminology Warehouse, logistics and transport operations Transport modes Parties involved in international shipments INCOTERMS Freight calculations
This foundational course will help all managers to better understand what a supply chain is and how their roles impact and interact with, their end-to-end supply chain process. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: • Understand the role of the supply chain within the wider business context • Become aware of the fundamental trade-offs in the supply chain (e.g. supply chain cost vs service level, efficiency vs flexibility etc.) • Understand the importance of supply chain planning and be able to identify its key components • Develop awareness of the key challenges in modern inventory management and distribution; become familiar with tested practices that allow responding to these challenges • Understand the meaning of essential supply chain terminology • Understand how supply chain performance affects company financial results COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: • What is supply chain management? Why is it important? • The importance of cost versus service • Purchasing and procurement • Manufacturing processes • Demand management • Warehouse and inventory management • Logistics and transport • Risk management
Course Outline: What is “Diversity and Inclusion”? The Cultural Contact Lens - understanding different people's experiences The Social Ecological Model - understanding how individual elements sit within and impact upon social change Finding your ‘why’, and the Business Case for D&I Going above and beyond the Law - the Equality Act (2010) and protected characteristics Becoming comfortable with feeling uncomfortable Privilege, power, and the Cycle of Oppression An introduction to allyship Summary and questions
Java Webinar Course summary In this Java Webinar Course you will learn Java Basics and OOP Principles. Java Webinar Course description This Java Course is Online, instructor-led, practical attended via Gotomeeting.com. When we receive your booking, we email a connection invitation. This Java Course Webinar will allow you to learn flexibly and commute-free from home. There is no need for attending face-to-face, all advantages of the classroom in built-in and planned for during the delivery of this webinar. We teach online with excellent instruction and targetted well-planned practicals that will clearly illustrate techniques and accurately develop your skills. Question time is built in. Session 1: Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: Primitive types; Characters; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Type conversion and casting; Introduction to String class; Working with arrays Session 2: Operators and Expressions Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators; More in operators Session 3: Decision Making If statement; If - else statement; If- else if - else statement; Nested if - else; Switch Statements Session 4: Using Loops The while, do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements : break, continue; The return statement; Nesting loops; Using the for-each loop with Arrays Session 5: Methods Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters Session 6: Classes Creating an Object; Using an Object. Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this, static, super, final keywords More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion Java Access control: private, public and protected; Java Nested and inner classes; A stack class Session 7: Java Data structures Files, Streams, Collections. Session 8: Java Exception Handling Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; Finally Blocks Included in the Java Webinar Courses: Java Webinar Course Certificate on completion Java Webinar Course Manual Practical Java Webinar Course exercises, Java Webinar Code Samples/ Java Webinar Course Revision work After the course, 1 free session for questions online Java Webinar Course via Gotomeeting.com. Max group size, online and in classroom, on this Java Webinar Course is 4.
Java CrossOver Course for Coders 1-Day, 11am - 6pm Online, Instructor-led, Interactive, Practical Java Basics to coders who are converting to Java from a different coding language. You do not need much time to learn the syntax of Java, because you have done similar work in other programming languages Hands-on, Practical Course, Instructor-led Course. Online with Gotomeeting.com 1 day, from 11am - 6pm. In classroom at on request only. Locations Java CrossOver Course description Overview of Java: This course covers Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Java Data Types and using Variables in Java: Here we learn to code using data types and variables of different data types: Primitives; Characters; Boolean; Variables and variable scope; String class; Type conversion and casting. Java Operators and Expressions: What are operators and how to use them; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators. Decision Making: The Java Syntax for the If-statement; If,else; If,else if,else; Nested if; Switch Statements; Using Loops: For loops, while loops, do while, Enhanced for loop; Nesting loops; break, continue; The return statement. Arrays: Working with arrays, 2-d arrays, iterating arrays. Using the for-each loop with Arrays Lists: Working with lists. Lists vs Arrays. Files,streams with Java: Open, Read and Write to CSV Files, txt files and bin files. Exception Handling: Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and catch; Multiple catch clauses; Nested try statements; Throw and throws; The finally blocks Introduction to Classes and Objects: Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Naming conventions for class members. Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Abstraction. Interfaces and implementing interfaces. Override. Polymorphism. The dot operator, this keyword, the static keywords, the super keyword. Using Methods: Introduction of methods; Creating a Method in class; Calling a Method; Returning value from a Method; Adding a Method that takes parameters; More in Methods and Classes: Overloading methods; Overloading Constructors; Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Recursion; Access control : private, public and protected; The final keyword. What is included PCWorkshops Course Certificate on completion Java Course Notes Java Code Examples Practical Java Course exercises, Java Course Revision work After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session Book the Java CrossOver Course About us Our experienced trainers are award winners. More about us FAQ's Client Comments
We provide elite tennis coaching to people of all ages (5 years+) and levels, ranging from complete beginners to national tournament players. Unlike other academies, our ethos is to deliver both performance and fun during the process. Between 5-8years, our mission is to improve fundamentals of movements (ABCs: Agility, Balance and Coordination), grow their love and confidence for the game and develop their technique. Adults learn the fundamental movement patterns and grow their technique of strokes progressively, as well as maximize their understanding of the game. As a Sport Psychology professional, sessions are tailored to the individuals personal requirements and no matter your your level, we guarantee results from your first lesson! Hour: Sunday 10 AM–2 PM Monday 11 AM–5 PM Tuesday 11 AM–5 PM Wednesday 11 AM–5 PM Thursday 11 AM–5 PM Friday 11 AM–5 PM Saturday 10 AM–2 PM Phone: +44 7533 364384 Website: https://www.gbtennisacademy.com Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gbtennisacademy