veitch aviation training services
Keeping in view the dire need of true aviation professionals for aviation
industry particularly in Pakistan, the Institute of Aviation Studies (IAS) was
established in University of Management and Technology (UMT) during Spring-2011
and initially offered 4-year BS Aviation Management (AM) program which gave a
new dimension to the aviation education to produced specialized human resource.
IAS kept on offering the most fascinating career of students who desire the
aviation as a spirit of their dream to learn & teach the adventurous way to sky.
It was the beginning of a vision that has produced so far more than 150 alumni
who drove innovations in different slots of aviation industry, productively.
2013 was the year when a flight simulator, with a mock-up of aircraft
Cessna-172, and Air Traffic Control (ATC) as the training devices were made and
set in UMT premises for students of aviation as a part of their BSAM program.
These training devices are also utilized for ICAO English Language Proficiency
Test (ELPT) for pilots of all categories Similarly, a huge demand of qualified &
licensed professionals in the field of Aircraft Maintenance in Pakistan and
particularly in this region pushed us to launch 4-year BS Aircraft Maintenance
Engineer`s Technology (AMET) program in 2014 along with the license course of
Part-66 (B1.2 & B3) under an EASA-approved,Part-147, Maintenance Training
Organization (MTO) named as AERO-Bildung, GmbH, Germany with hands-on experience
on operational aircrafts at an airport in Pakistan. In same year i.e. February,
2014, high officials of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) visited UMT and
after assuring ICAO & PCAA required standards, authorized IAS with three
certifications as under: Authorization of ground courses for Private Pilot
License/Commercial Pilot License/Instrument Rating/Airlines Transport Pilot
License.(PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL) Authorization of ground course for Flight Operation
Officer/Flight Despatcher. (FOO/FD) IAS,UMT as an English Language Proficiency
Test (ELPT) Center for all categories of pilots in Pakistan The University of
Management and Technology is the only university in Pakistan which has been
authorized Institute of Aviation Studies to impart training &ground courses for
aviation students of UMT and pilots (PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL) and to act as an
examination center for pilots in Pakistan. In the year of 2014, only in UMT,
BSAM degree program was value-added by introducing PCAA-approved âFlight
Operation Officer/Flight Despatcherâ (FOO/FD) Course for every BSAM student of
IAS free of cost, enabling them to directly appear before PCAA examination for
FOO/FD license. In 2014, Institute of Aviation Studies, UMT became the member of
USA-based âUniversity Aviation Associationâ (An international association of the
world`s universities having aviation department in their set-up). In
2015,IAS,UMT held a collaboration simultaneously with four flying clubs in
Pakistan for the purpose of hands-on experience on operational aircrafts for the
students of BS AMET program as a part of their AMET license of Part-66 (B1.2 &
B3). Kept on flying higher & higher, in 2016, IAS of this university launched a
2-year âMSc. Air Transport Managementâ program with the collaboration of Turkish
Aviation Academy,(an IATA approved aviation training academy & subordinate
organization of Turkish Airlines) at Istanbul, Turkey. In a bid to further
expand education in aviation field, UMT stepped-out of university premises in
2017 and established a sub-campus of IAS at Walton Airport. Lahore under the
title of âWalton Aviation Training Schoolâ for hands-on experience, trainings &
courses for aviation students and all category of pilots in Pakistan. In 2017,
an FAA, EASA&PCAA-approved flight simulator, with motion, brought from USA and
installed at Walton Aviation Training School, Walton Airport, Lahore first time
in Pakistan to provide upto 30hrs log able flying training for pilots i.e.
PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL. In 2018, IAS-UMT is the only university in Pakistan, which is
training partner network as an IATA AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER (ATC) and
allocated IATA ATC 3-letter code as "UMT"