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Our vision is for every person living or working in Lancashire to feel safe from violence and violent crime. Our mission has 4 strands: 1. Prevention Prevention and early intervention are at the core of our violence reduction network. We focus on our community and partnership strengths to reduce, prevent and respond to violence. 2. Enforcement We work closely with our partners to use civil and criminal remedies. We are committed to swift, visible justice for those who commit violence. 3. Evidence We promote a learning culture and develop evidence of good practice. We take a system-wide approach across Lancashire partnerships. 4. Culture We take a public health approach to tacking violence. We build on our community links and partnerships, including working with people with lived experience, to reduce and prevent violence. We work to build a trauma informed approach across the county’s services.
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We are experts in the field of performance psychology. We have over 15 years experience of working with and supporting the best individuals, teams and organisations in the world. Our mission is to inspire, challenge and support our clients to achieve their goals and unlock their unique capabilities and enhance their performance. - Rezepte Hippo-approved! Dies ist ein Rezepte-Blog für Genießer, die gerne in der Küche Gesellschaft haben. Schaut bei uns vorbei, unsere Rezepte sind Hippo-approved!