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160 Educators providing Courses in Coventry

Refuge In Literacy Uk

refuge in literacy uk


Refuge In Literacy UK began when children’s author Anne Stairmand donated signed copies of her books to a local domestic violence refuge at Christmas 2020. The response was so positive she wondered if this would be the case throughout the UK, and so she spent the following January and February speaking to over 300 refuges in the UK asking whether authors donating signed copies of their books to their local refuges would make an impact. From the joy of receiving a personal gift, to the simple joy of reading, to the educational, emotional and self-improvement opportunities books can present – which in turn can create empowerment and self-esteem – it was clear these books would have an impact. Children will have a sense of value, worth, self-esteem … They will harness a willingness to read, to learn, to savour the process of reading, escapism and transformative powers of a book. — Thurrock Changing Pathways Essex, 2021 Refuge In Literacy UK is also aiming to address a lack of consistency in literacy resources and training by supporting refuges with reading strategy prompts which feed into the National Curriculum. Our pilot refuges, currently nine across the UK, will help trial these, and evaluations will help us refine and improve. The wider benefits of a signed personal copy of a book cannot be underestimated, encouraging children and parents to become literacy confident in reading, writing and comprehension. — Glasgow Women’s Aid, 2021 We are a board of six directors and have seven board advisors with expertise in many different areas who attend meetings to support and advise throughout the year. The personal benefits of having a newly, personally signed book, creates a sense of empowerment. However, the benefits transcend far beyond the token of a personal gift. — Liverpool Women’s Refuge, 2021 As we are a non-profit organisation, the board are committed to helping those in domestic violence refuges to improve literacy life chances in for those in education and in the wider world.

The Island Project

the island project


The Island Project School was set up to provide a school for children and young people with autism. It was founded by parents whose children had previously been taught at home using Applied Behaviour Analysis ("ABA"). Without functional communication, adults with autism can be isolated from their family, community and even carers. Without clear and early intervention, children and young people may grow into adults with no communication or independence skills meaning that they become the most dependent, and sadly most vulnerable group whilst needing the largest amount of support. If, as a school, we can give young people a means of communication plus independence skills, we can give them a better quality of life, whilst reducing their long term dependence upon their community. Unfortunately, whilst Local Authorities have a legal obligation to provide appropriate education for all children, they do not have the space, funding, or expertise to provide appropriate education for all pupils, particularly those with complex communication needs and associated difficulties, or for those who have ABA on their EHC Plans In the West Midlands, there were no ABA schools when the Island Project was founded, and this remains largely the case. The School was founded using the principles of ABA, and the Pyramid Approach to Education which gives pupils an effective means of communication using the Picture Exchange System. The School recognises that having an effective means of communication, putting in place strategies around managing sensory difficulties, and the development of independence skills are key to enabling children and young people to successfully access education and a better quality of life in the future. In recognition of this, all pupils at the School have input from a Multi Disciplinary Team which includes Behaviour Analysts, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists specialising in Sensory Integration. The School originated with three pupils in a small unit in Balsall Common. The Schoo was founded as a charity, and within a few years, had outgrown its original building and moved to new premises at Diddington Hall in Meriden.

CTC Kingshurst Academy

ctc kingshurst academy


A very warm welcome to Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst. We are a large academy serving a large community of students in year seven to year thirteen and it is my privilege to introduce myself as the new Principal. I joined Tudor Grange Academies Trust in 2015 as College Leader at Tudor Grange Academy Redditch. Since then, I have worked across multiple Tudor Grange sites in a school improvement guise. The Trust, as at September 2021, is a Trust of twelve schools: five secondary, one all through academy and five primary academies. The core vision of the Trust is to develop a Multi Academy Trust of four self-sufficient geographical hubs: Solihull, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the East Midlands. I have been working with, and at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst, since 2017 as part of the senior team here and have led, alongside the whole staff body the school improvement journey. My intention is to offer long-term commitment to a community that deserves the best for its young people. This school is special, and it is my intention, and the intention of the senior team and governors to hold high expectations of all learners by creating a culture of inquisitive and spirited learning coupled with high-quality, extra-curricular and in-school experiences that go beyond the classroom. We want learners at Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst, to leave with, not only the qualifications they require to make their own choices, but also, as happy, and articulate young people with life- long memories. Young people who have developed skills and responsible attributes that will allow them to be successful happy adults. Our school is staffed by a team of fantastic teachers and support staff, who are committed to learning and ensuring the very best opportunities for our students. I hope the website gives you some idea about our community and the opportunities we have to offer.

Digital West Midlands

digital west midlands


We are pleased to share that WMCA have now launched the West Midlands Digital Roadmap, which was unveiled recently at WM Venturefest. Please see the official press release below: WMCA unveils plan for region’s digital future The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has launched its plan to give the region a digital reboot, with an aim to tackle digital exclusion, reach net zero and support a post-Covid recovery. The WMCA Digital Roadmap was presented at Venturefest West Midlands, one of the region’s top business events for digital entrepreneurs. This year’s keynote speaker was Ben Francis, the West Midlands-based founder of billion-dollar sportswear brand Gymshark. The plan outlines five missions to digitise the region, including becoming the UK’s best digitally connected region and increasing access to digital opportunities by tackling digital exclusion. The plan will build on the successes of the region’s 5G testbed and its innovation in transport, and make the most unique regional opportunities like HS2, the Commonwealth Games, and Coventry City of Culture. The Digital Roadmap was launched at Venturefest by Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands. He said: “This Roadmap sets out an ambitious plan for the West Midlands – to become a technologically advanced, forward looking digital economy, where everybody has access to the internet and data is used to improve our public services. Imbedding the latest technology into our economy will also help us reach net zero, where innovation still has a huge role to play in reducing the burden on us to change the way we live our lives. “Growth has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, but despite the adversity, there is also opportunity. The pandemic has accelerated the switch to digital and highlighted the need for a better-connected economy. To bounce back, we must weave digital into the way we do business. This means more digital bootcamps to train us for the jobs of the future; more digital devices to connect our residents to opportunities; and more innovation to help us reduce our carbon footprint and save the planet.” The Roadmap has been developed over the last six months and has been approved by the WMCA Board. As well as aiming to make the West Midlands the most digitally connected region in the UK, the roadmap aims to address the issue of the ‘digital divide’. Since the start of the pandemic many firms have quickly adapted to their employees working from home and communicating online. However, lots of small business have struggled to adopt technology fast enough and some families have struggled with home schooling due to a lack of devices or unaffordable connections. The plan sets out to ensure the region remains number one in leadership on 5G, there will be an accelerated full fibre rollout, and 4G connectivity will be boosted. The roadmap highlights key sectors to support where the region is already globally competitive: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) in Coventry; data-driven healthcare in Birmingham and Solihull, and the gaming industry’s ‘Silicon Spa’ in Warwickshire. Venturefest West Midlands was founded to provides entrepreneurs, investors and innovators to meet, engage and exchange ideas for co-operation and collaboration, particularly in the fields of science and emerging technologies. It is led by the WMCA along with local enterprise partnerships, universities and business organisations. Also speaking at the event was Kari Lawler who launched a start-up at the age of 14 and is also a member of the Young Combined Authority said: “Through my AI youth initiative, YOUTH4AI I have been able to communicate to young people the importance and possibilities of AI. “The West Midlands has a young population which will benefit from a decrease in the digital divide and an increase in digital connectivity.” Cllr Patrick Harley, WMCA portfolio lead for Culture and Digital and leader of Dudley Council said: “Digital connectivity is going to be vital to our economic recovery and harnessing digital innovation will enable economic growth for the next decade and beyond. “This roadmap will help us realise the potential of digital to transform our economy and build economic resilience, firmly putting the West Midlands on the map as the most digitally connected region.”

Helen Grieve

helen grieve


I’ve been an holistic therapist since 1996 gosh!!! having always been different I suppose you would call me an eclectic blend of witch, druid, Buddhist, spirit, star-seed and light-worker all rolled into one. Having studied a variety of beliefs, traditions and religions, I’ve taken what I’ve liked and left the bits I don’t. I’ve always lived a busy life style you know …. work, travel, going to clubs , circles, groups and Moots. My life was happy and fulfilled . I’ve worked for myself making lotions and potions , I’ve always been called a Witch, but i don’t mind.., I’ve traveled the world, life was good until I returned from Vietnam having had my booster jab at my Gps surgery. Recovering.. In 2016 after a Hepatitis vaccination left me with my body attacking its self , with stroke like symptoms unable to move more that a few feet let alone walk, talk or look after myself. I was added to the list of random side effects and given a diagnosis of ME/CFs . later on that years fibromyalgia was added to the list having had all joints in my body attacked leaving me in pain like I’ve never experienced (except for child birth..) So, it’s been an up hill struggle these last few years. I’ve returned to my roots seeking out like-minded people and those who can offer healing on an energetic level. I trained in Angelic Reiki and what an experience that was.. Beautiful if not profound connection with the Angelic Realm, I often call upon them when times are hard. My grand-pier had passed to the world of spirit not long before I got sick and during that same year I must have gone to 20 funerals. Three of my friends passed within two weeks and over that 10 month period it became a stand joke, no one would stand near me.. I don’t know how I would have made it through if I didn’t know where they were going or if they were alright. But, I do know where they are, I have that comfort and often feel them around me, I wish you all felt what I feel, the love and support they send, and you can..

Lisa Whittleton

lisa whittleton


Our team have a range of backgrounds, from occupational psychology, disability management, nursing, and lecturing, but what we all have in common is a strong passion to make a difference for the organisations we partner with. We do this through bringing the theory and evidence to life through practical, real life experience so that you can implement the tools and techniques straight away within your workplace. We go a step further than simply ‘awareness raising’ and help you to take positive action. Lisa Whittleton, Director I’ve had an interest in psychology and how we think, feel and behave since long before University, quite possibly shaped by personal experiences growing up with close family / friends affected by mental ill health. My first role after doing a master’s in occupational psychology (after a short stint in recruitment which was very much not for me) was working as a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant with wounded, injured and sick service personnel to help them transition to a new career. This was totally inspiring and really opened my eyes to the stigmas that exist in workplaces around mental health and disability. I set up Illuminate in November 2013 as I was keen to influence this positively. At the time, we were not having the conversations we are now around mental health, so I recognise we have come a long way…but there is still a way to go to de-stigmatise completely and ensure we are being proactive around the topic so our teams can thrive at work. I love building relationships with our clients to really get to understand their world and the challenges within it to help bring about positive change. Working in this field is a constant reminder of how easy it is to slip into unhelpful habits in terms of looking after my own mental wellbeing and achieving the right ‘work-life’ balance. I do have to work hard to practice what I preach, and don’t always get it right. This is what makes my facilitation real and relatable for you. I am a people person and tend to be the listener, the support and the new perspective for many of my friends. I am all about socialising, and love music festivals and gigs, alongside what I believe is a healthy addiction to Crossfit…and my cat, Mrs Norris.

Wing Training

wing training


Wing Training delivers unique and bespoke course interventions for; Adult customers furthest from the workplace, adult clients with clear, identified and entrenched barriers, adult clients with a range of profound mental health and wellbeing issues, adult clients requiring support, both moving into, and in work. Wing Training adopts a highly specialised delivery approach utilising professional actor-teachers and 'Forum Theatre' techniques. It's mission is to ENABLE and INSPIRE client groups by facilitating a process of high level self-assessment and self-realisation, allowing those with a range of issues, barriers and health conditions move out of crisis and into meaningful recovery and progression. Alongside, Wing Training uses the highly acclaimed WEMWBS tool to measure improvement in mental health and improvement, and currently we can prove an average 16% increase per participant per programme. Since 2011, Wing Training has assisted over 6000 clients with wellbeing issues move successfully forward - partners including; People Plus, Ingeus, The Shaw Trust. Maximus, Acorn Training and two large FE colleges. Clients have regularly included; homeless people, ex-offenders, lone parents and those recovering from a variety of crisese. Of these, over 70 percent have moved into relevant and meaningful progression, and we can boast a 90 percent client improvement rate in a wide range of mental health related outcomes – notably; confidence, self-esteem, emotional well-being, social skills/interaction, motivation, focus, and positivity - proving levels of profound recovery. Similarly, when delivering the same resource to, specifically, harder to reach unemployed clients, we have assisted, globally, over 27 percent - of 3000 referrals - move into paid, full time work and 70 percent into other progressions (ie further training). Nearly all of these have been ‘Work and Health programme’ participants. Since April 2020, Wing Training has delivered completely digitally, but our business ambition is to move back to 'face to face' as soon as is possible to assist vulnerable clients struggling post-Covid. Funding allowing, all of our courses can be accredited to Level One and our learners achieve, either an Award, a Certificate or a Diploma in Personal and Social Development, with specialised IAG and Digital skills embedded. Wing Training is now operating all training on-line. Take a look at this video explanation of how Forum Theatre works, why it's successful with our clients, and some strong testimonies to our success.

Gill Arnold Dressmaking Training

gill arnold dressmaking training

West Midlands

I live and work in Solihull and am married with two boys. I have an obsessive love of sewing, which has driven my career through a wide range of sewing related experiences. I came from a family of sewers and from a very early age was encouraged to be creative. My love of embroidery and needlework led me to pursue a career in teaching. I attended a specialist needlework and home economics teacher training College in Liverpool. I always enjoyed "hands on work" and gained experience working with an expert team of fitting and alteration seamstresses at an exclusive dress shop the summer I finished at Liverpool. I wanted a creative career, so I applied for the position of wardrobe assistant at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. This was a wonderful work experience, sewing fabulous fabrics and making a diverse range of costumes. The theatre wardrobe mistress encouraged me to continue studying and I enrolled for a City and Guilds course. Although theatre working hours were long, they were flexible and I could study and work full time. I achieved merit for City and Guilds Creative Studies; two years later I received a distinction in Fashion and Design and won the year prize. My qualifications and experience opened another career opportunity in the fashion industry. I wanted to work fewer hours and the job I was offered provided training in production planning and buying. Working regular hours I decided to think again about the teaching career I had abandoned. I was employed by Birmingham Adult Education Department to work in evenings teaching Embroidery and Needlework. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching, so when I married and the family arrived I gave up full time work in industry. I returned to college, updated my teaching qualifications and became a part time teacher In the early 90's I wrote the Tailoring Programme for the West Midlands Access Foundation, later used by Open College Network. By 1996 I was determined to offer my own courses, now known as Gill Arnold Dressmaking Training. In 1997 I became Sewing World magazine's pattern specialist. Over 20 years teaching has given me a wealth of experience and knowledge to produce articles on patterns and fitting. I have also written for Sew Today and American publications. With the support of the sewing industry I enjoy being a regular exhibitor at shows all over the country including the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. My yearly programme provides a full range of sewing events, exhibitions, seminars, cloth sales, trips and courses.

The Complete Works Education Service

the complete works education service


From a theatre company, staging plays and creative projects in schools across the capital, to sector-leading, Alternative School: our journey since we began in 1999 has been eventful. Our founder Phil Richards and his partner Neil Powney (pictured above) first formed The Complete Works as a Theatre in Education company, performing plays and workshops in schools throughout London. At the time, Phil led a small team of actors and creatives who were passionate about engaging young people in the performing arts. What became clear in these early years, was the power of creativity to inspire young people, who were otherwise disillusioned by education. One day, Phil answered a newspaper advert, seeking someone to teach a young person to read. This was a teenager who had never enjoyed or engaged with education and had left behind a long succession of unsuccessful teachers, who had branded him “unteachable”. Phil drew on his years in the creative industries to take a fresh approach to the challenge and was able to help this young man discover the joys of learning and subsequently gain entrance to college. This was the beginning of our transformation from theatre company to school. Phil’s success led to more young people being referred to us, each of whom, for their own reasons, had lost interest in education. Through the same creative and compassionate approach, Phil and his team found a way to reignite what had been lost in each of them. After all these years, our core value of individualised, creative learning remains the same. In 2013, we gained our official school status with the Department of Education. We had been doing the work of the school long before this point, so to have it officially recognised was a huge moment for us. We had our first Ofsted inspection a year later, and they confirmed that we were a Good school, an accolade we have maintained ever since. In 2016, Phil took a step away from the day to day running of the school, continuing as a consultant and trainer, and appointing Chrissie Roberts as CEO. Chrissie joined TCW in 2003, spending 12 years as Deputy Chief Executive, developing the vision for the school’s growth alongside Phil. As CEO, Chrissie has overseen a period of rapid development, in which we have greatly broadened our offer, adding new subjects to the curriculum, enriching our pastoral and wellbeing support, developing our teacher training, and exploring new ways to integrate creativity into our work. Every year, hundreds of young people of all ages and backgrounds join our community and every single one of them receives a unique educational package, with therapeutic and creative input at every stage. One afternoon in 1999, Phil and Neil opened a copy of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare,” in the hope of finding the perfect word or phrase to name their new theatre company. Nothing in those hundreds of pages suited quite so well as the words on the front cover. Back then, “The Complete Works” referred to the range of plays and creative workshops that we ran. Today it means “the whole package” - education that has everything, tailored to suit anyone.

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

Courses matching "support"

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Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Coventry


By Mangates

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Coventry
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Warwick


By Mangates

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Warwick
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Solihull


By Mangates

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Solihull

Effective Change Management 1 Day Workshop in Solihull
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

By Mangates

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Coventry
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

By Mangates

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Coventry
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

By Mangates

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Coventry

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Coventry
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

By Mangates

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Warwick
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

By Mangates

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Warwick
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

By Mangates

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Warwick

Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Warwick
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley

By Mangates

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley

Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795