Project management can seem scary and rather intimidating. The whole aim of this programme is to give people a simple and straightforward way of dealing with projects without having to use complex and confusing systems. This two-day course is designed to introduce the apparently complex world of project management in a simple and practical manner. The programme is for anybody who has to run a project of any nature. It has been attended by people from as diverse fields as events management, fashion, charities, oil companies and so on. The programme is run without using any IT project management systems although an introduction can be given if required. At the end of the programme participants will leave understanding: What a project is and why projects are so important today The roles of a project manager Some key language and concepts A simple 5-step model for organising projects How to make sure you understand what your 'client' really wants A set of three simple tools to plan the project How to make decisions What to monitor when the project is running How to close the project 1 Introduction What is the aim of this programme? 2 Background thinking What is a project? The project manager's eternal triangle (cost-quality-time) What are the characteristics of successful projects? Who are the key characters in a project? What are the roles of a project manager? 3 The project process Why have one? 4 Project initiation What is the aim? Identifying key information Key skill: mission analysis Initial risk analysis Document and sign-off 5 Decision-making - 'Stop, Think, Act!' The 'Stop, Think, Act!' technique Recognise the opportunity to make a decision The 3 Cs - making sure we understand the decisions we have to make Identifying options Making your decision Taking it to action 6 Creativity 7 The planning stage Identify all discrete tasks Sequence and dependencies Time line - critical path Resources Project base-line 8 Execution stage - delivering the result Monitor Evaluate Adapt Control Review 9 The project close Review Documentation Have we delivered? What have we learned?
ChatGPT, along with other AI tools, aims not to replace the human touch in management, but to enhance it. By addressing repetitive, daily tasks, these tools free up managers to concentrate on core responsibilities like strategic decision-making, team development, and innovation. As we move further into the digital age, integrating tools such as ChatGPT isn't a luxury; it's the future of proactive leadership. In this guide, we'll delve into 10 practical ways through which AI can elevate your efficiency and refine the quality of your work. Gain familiarity with prominent AI tools in the market Efficiently compose and respond to emails Generate concise summaries of complex reports and data. Obtain quick insights, data, and research across varied topics Streamline the writing of articles, training notes, and posts Craft interview tests, form relevant questions, and design checklists for the hiring process 1 Streamlining emails An inbox can be a goldmine of information but also a significant time drain for managers. Here's how to optimise it: Drafting responses: Give the AI a brief, and watch it craft a well-structured response. Sorting and prioritising: By employing user-defined rules and keywords, ChatGPT can flag important emails, ensuring no vital communication slips through the cracks. 2 Efficient report writing Reports, especially routine ones, can be time-intensive. Here's a smarter approach: Automate content: Supply key data points to the AI, and let it weave them into an insightful report. Proofreading: Lean on ChatGPT for grammar checks and consistency, ensuring each report remains crisp and error-free. 3 Rapid research From competitor insights to market trends, research is a pivotal part of management. Data synthesis: Feed raw data to the AI and receive succinct summaries in return. Question-answering: Pose specific questions about a dataset to ChatGPT and extract swift insights without diving deep into the entire content. 4 Reinventing recruitment Hiring can be a lengthy process. Here's how to make it more efficient: Resume screening: Equip the AI to spot keywords and qualifications, ensuring that only the most fitting candidates are shortlisted. Preliminary interviews: Leverage ChatGPT for the initial rounds of interviews by framing critical questions and evaluating the responses. 5 Enhancing training Especially for extensive teams, training can be a monumental task. Here's how ChatGPT can assist: Customised content: Inform the AI of your training goals, and it will draft tailored content suitable for various roles. PowerPoint design: Create visually appealing slide presentations on any topic in minimal time.
Maximising the team's sales capability is the key aim for any sales manager. When sales people struggle to hit their targets, it falls to the sales manager to provide support and help colleagues to find their way again. One of the most effective techniques for sales managers to improve and maintain sales performance is by providing live sales coaching. Sales coaching encourages sales people to find their own solutions and take responsibility for their own development. This course will help participants: Develop people to fulfil their sales potential Provide motivational feedback Identify strengths and weaknesses of their team members Understand personal learning styles Identify and adapt for different personality styles Prepare and conduct on-the-job observations Motivate sales people to greater performance 1 How is sales coaching different from sales training? What is coaching? Discover how coaching empowers sales people Learn the best time to use sales coaching Decide which people should be coached first Creating a development plan 2 Understanding learning, behavioural and communication styles Use practical tools to help you assess individual styles Tap into the essence and energy of the person you are developing Understand your own learning, behavioural and communication preferences Develop a strategy to adopt for each member of your team Discover what motivates you and your salespeople to perform Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales conversion 3 Using the GROW coaching model Learn the secrets of a successful coaching session Discover the importance of SMART objectives and instructions Understand and capture what coachees are currently doing right Develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills Help your colleagues crystalise their plans and actions Provide follow-up opportunities to embed the learning 4 Giving motivational feedback Understand why effective feedback is so powerful in sales Learn key models for motivational feedback Discover how to manage and structure more difficult conversations Understand the power of positive reinforcement Encourage sales people to coach and support colleagues 5 Putting it into practice Use realistic scenarios to provide opportunities for practice Discover what it feels like to be coached Receive immediate feedback on your coaching style Share common performance issues with fellow sales managers Create a personal development plan 6 Preparing on-the-job observations and joint visits Build a strategy for coaching and team development Prepare an observation template for effective coaching Learn the key elements of preparation for your next coaching session Agree common areas to focus on with coachees 7 Action planning Personal action plans
Trade barriers are going up across the globe. And cybercrime is on the increase. The link between the two? The value of trade secrets. As countries become increasingly protectionist as regards international trade, so their IP law has been changing, with the result that companies that previously would have sought protection through patents are opting to go down the trade secret route instead. But is this a high-risk strategy? Technology is changing and this is having an impact on forms of commercial co-operation. Collaborative or open forms of innovation by their very nature involve the sharing of intellectual property (IP), and in many instances this IP is in the form of valuable confidential business information (ie, trade secrets). Little surprise, then, that trade secrets disputes have increased accordingly. At the same time, the changes in technology make trade secrets more vulnerable to attack, misappropriation, theft. So just how effective are the legal protections for trade secrets? How can organisations safeguard the value in their IP (increasingly, the single biggest line in their balance sheets)? This programme is designed to help you address these issues. Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. This session is designed to give you a deeper understanding of: Emerging trends in trade secrets protection and exploitation The current situation in key jurisdictions Recent case law How leading companies are responding The importance of trade secret metadata Different external stakeholders and their interests Key steps for effective protection of trade secrets Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. 1 What are trade secrets? Definitions Examples Comparison with other forms of IP (patents, confidential information, know-how, copyright) 2 Current trends The various changes taking place affecting trade secrets - legal changes, trade wars, cybercrime, technology, commercial practice The current position in the UK, Europe, USA, China, Japan, Russia Corporate best practice 3 Trade secret disputes - how to avoid them Trade secret policies, processes and systems Administrative, legal and technical protection mechanisms The role of employees The sharing of trade secrets with others 4 Trade secret disputes - how to manage them Causes Anatomy of a trade secret court case 'Reasonable particularity' 5 Related issues Insurance Tax authorities and investigations Investor relations 6 Trade secret asset management roadmap Maturity ladder First steps Pilot projects
The often-used phrase, 'just the receptionist', completely misrepresents the role. An excellent receptionist is a most valuable resource for any organisation. This programme has been designed specifically to deal with the essential skills necessary to represent the organisation to the best possible effect. It will also help you get the most out of your working day. There are six key reasons to take part in this workshop. It will help you: See your role in a new light Develop your communication skills Deal with different types of customer and situation Boost your confidence Cope in a pressurised environment Get more satisfaction from your working day 1 Introduction Workshop objectives and personal objectives The challenges of 21st century communication What makes an excellent point of Reception? And why is it so important? Who and where are our customers? As a customer, how do you like to be treated? What makes people feel valued? Objective and subjective aspects of customer service 'Micro moments' that shape the relationship 2 Communication on reception Definition of communication Barriers to good communication The 'recipe' of verbal, vocal and visual aspects of communication Differences between communicating face-to-face and on the telephone Communication 'leaks' The primitive human response The impact of visual communication - body language, gesture and facial expression Voice - tone, speed, volume, pitch, clarity, inflection, pacing Words - positive words and phrases compared with negative terminology Professional greetings face-to-face Steering the conversation with effective questioning 3 Telephone excellence How we use the telephone Qualities of the telephone Non-verbal communication on the telephone - what aspects can be 'seen' by the other person? Professional telephone etiquette Taking and leaving messages - key points that can help customers, colleagues and the organisation Clarifying information 4 Listening skills for accuracy and relationship building How accurate are your listening skills? What are the challenges for accurate listening? Active / empathetic listening 5 Creating a rapport by 'style flexing' Understanding how different people communicate Shaping our message to the other person so that they feel understood How changing situations can alter communication needs 6 Confidence and assertiveness Recognising different styles of behaviour - aggressive, passive and assertive Qualities of assertive communication - verbal, vocal and visual Assertive techniques - basic, persistence, negotiation / empathetic Demonstrating confidence 7 Coping in a pressurised environment Words - the most useful ones to use with stressed people and identifying the 'red rag' words Challenging situations - what do you find difficult and how do you respond? Dealing with outbursts of anger Bringing non-stop talkers back from their tangent Constructive ways to say 'no' 8 Pulling it all together Action plans Summary of key learning points
Take your sales people from average to high performance. Motivate and develop experienced sales professionals with some new insights and learning. Applying NLP principles, techniques and models, this workshop will introduce the core attitudes and behaviours that differentiate the excellent sales person from the average one. The programme will help participants: Understand and adopt the mindset and beliefs needed for sales excellence Build rapport and connect with buyers at a deeper and more personal level Recognise some of the thinking and language patterns that make each individual unique Ask powerful questions to further understand the unique world of the individual and how they make decisions Apply tools and techniques to empathise with clients - seeing things from their perspectives Tailor their sales approach to the individual buyer's style, and talk in their language Influence with integrity and sell to organisations and individuals successfully 1 Introduction Aims and objectives of the programme Personal introductions and objectives Workshop overview 2 An introduction to NLP and sales excellence with NLP An overview of NLP and applying it to selling The pillars of NLP The NLP model of communication The difference that makes the difference 3 Building enhanced rapport Defining rapport and why it is important when selling Going beyond the initial small talk Building relationships with individual decision-makers Matching and mirroring Levels of rapport 4 Understanding the buyer's personal buying map How we take in, filter and process information How we judge others based on our own experiences of the world The different ways in which we communicate when selling Recognising and understanding the language and thinking patterns of others Adapting your sales communication style to different buyers 5 Making sense of the buying process How we filter information through our senses Understanding how we see, hear and experience the world Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic buyers Listening for key insights What different buyers want from you to help them to buy Applying sensory awareness to the sales process 6 Successful sales mindset The connection between thoughts and actions The sales beliefs of excellence Identifying negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back How to change your mindset Adopting the sales beliefs of excellence 7 Powerful questions Reviewing and honing your questioning skills Understanding the questions that great sales people ask Avoiding assumptions Clean language questions Getting to the bottom of it - precision questions Turbo-charging how you qualify 8 Influencing with integrity Understanding empathy Stepping into the buyer's shoes Speaking the buyer's language Tailoring your sales approach to the individual Match, pace, lead - how to take your buyer with you 9 Putting it all together Personal learning summary and action plans
This course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the CDM Regulations 2015 and how these should be implemented in practice. The Regulations are put in context with other key health and safety legislation. The programme sets out clearly the roles and responsibilities of the principal duty holders and explores with the participants how these roles may vary on different types of project and procurement routes. The programme examines the content and appropriate level of information that should be included in the Pre-Construction Information and the Construction Phase Plan. The trainer will discuss best practice in implementing CDM through the new 2015 Regulations and Guidance. This course is essential for anyone who is involved in the procurement, planning, design or implementation of construction work. The course will provide you with: An overview of construction health and safety law, liability and enforcement A detailed understanding of the 2015 CDM Regulations and the part they play with other key legislation An explanation of the roles and responsibilities of all duty holders and the requirements for the CDM documentation Clear advice on current best practice for complying with the principles of the CDM Regulations and the changes introduced by the 2015 Regulations An understanding of how risk assessment should be applied practically throughout the design and how this responsibility is then transferred to contractors 1 Introduction Why manage health and safety? The costs of accidents Construction industry statistics Why CDM? Health and safety culture in the construction industry 2 Overview of health and safety law and liabilities Criminal and civil law Liability Enforcement and prosecution Compliance - how far do we go? Statutory duties 3 Health and safety law in construction Framework of relevant legislation Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Scope - What is construction? Application - When do they apply? The CDM Management System Duty holders (Client, Domestic Client, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor, Contractor) Documents (HSE Notification, Pre-Construction Information, Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan, H&S File) Management process The 2015 Guidance 5 Best practice - key issues in the CDM process The client and client management arrangements Competence and resource under CDM 2015 The role of the Principal Designer in practice Design risk assessment and the role of the Designer The CDM Documents (PCI, PCI Pack, Plan and File) Construction health, safety and welfare Making CDM work in practice 6 Questions, discussion and review
This course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the CDM Regulations 2015 and how these should be implemented in practice. The Regulations are put in context with other key health and safety legislation. The programme sets out clearly the roles and responsibilities of the principal duty holders and explores with the participants how these roles may vary on different types of project and procurement routes. The programme examines the content and appropriate level of information that should be included in the Pre-Construction Information and the Construction Phase Plan. The trainer will discuss best practice in implementing CDM through the new 2015 Regulations and Guidance. This course is essential for anyone who is involved in the procurement, planning, design or implementation of construction work. The course will provide you with: An overview of construction health and safety law, liability and enforcement A detailed understanding of the 2015 CDM Regulations and the part they play with other key legislation An explanation of the roles and responsibilities of all duty holders and the requirements for the CDM documentation Clear advice on current best practice for complying with the principles of the CDM Regulations and the changes introduced by the 2015 Regulations An understanding of how risk assessment should be applied practically throughout the design and how this responsibility is then transferred to contractors 1 Introduction Why manage health and safety? The costs of accidents Construction industry statistics Why CDM? Health and safety culture in the construction industry 2 Overview of health and safety law and liabilities Criminal and civil law Liability Enforcement and prosecution Compliance - how far do we go? Statutory duties 3 Health and safety law in construction Framework of relevant legislation Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Scope - What is construction? Application - When do they apply? The CDM Management System Duty holders (Client, Domestic Client, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor, Contractor) Documents (HSE Notification, Pre-Construction Information, Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan, H&S File) Management process The 2015 Guidance 5 Best practice - key issues in the CDM process The client and client management arrangements Competence and resource under CDM 2015 The role of the Principal Designer in practice Design risk assessment and the role of the Designer The CDM Documents (PCI, PCI Pack, Plan and File) Construction health, safety and welfare Making CDM work in practice 6 Questions, discussion and review
Software comes in a variety of guises - application software, firmware, middleware, system software. Increasingly, however, it doesn't necessarily present that way, especially as the boundaries between software, data and source code are becoming more and more blurred. And as software becomes more complex and more difficult to disentangle, so it becomes harder to manage and to value. But as it becomes more integral to every aspect of a business, so it is ever more important to keep on top of the technical, legal and commercial issues that arise, issues such as: To address these issues, organisations need a process for evaluating their current situation from all perspectives and for identifying the key actions they need to take to ensure holistic management of their software. This very practical programme will help set your organisation on the right path. Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. This programme is designed to give you a deeper understanding of: The technical, legal and commercial risks associated with software development, procurement, use and commercial exploitation The most appropriate processes and responsibilities for managing those risks Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. 1 Software business model What is the software business model? What options exist? Has the software business model been thoroughly reviewed to ensure its viability? This means fully understanding the market opportunity, the business environment and customer and end-user expectations. 2 Technology What are the technologies? How has the technology selection been validated considering the competitiveness, structure, and potential for future innovation? 3 UI and UX What is the UI and UX? How to best articulate this? Has the user interface and user experience been studied from both a subjective and objective view to give insight into customer behaviour? 4 Legal framework / commercial aspects Has the necessary legal framework or commercial aspects that may impact upon use or operation of the software been understood and risks identified and mitigated? 5 Software development What is the software development process? Are both the business management and development team's processes resilient in order to improve the company's capability and the maturity of the software? 6 Software quality What is quality? What are the metrics around software quality? What is the maturity level, based around a qualitative and quantitative assessment? 7 Intellectual property associated What IP should be considered when it comes to software? Does the company understand both the intellectual property risks and potential opportunities associated with this software? 8 Security What does software security mean in this context? How is it being addressed? 9 An holistic approach Review of roles and responsibilities to ensure appropriate management and protection
The work of a technical team is invariably challenging and often unpredictable. Definition of the work can be problematic, timescales can be hard to estimate and the right technical approach difficult to select. Staff involved in this type of work usually have very high levels of specialist knowledge in their field and have high expectations of those who lead them. In addition to the challenges of the work, the team leader often has to balance the need for professional excellence with financial and commercial considerations and to ensure that team goals are realistic by being an effective negotiator with other project and senior managers. These characteristics make technical team leadership a demanding and complex activity. This programme aims to help participants develop the skills needed to become an effective technical team leader. The objectives of this programme are to help participants: understand the significance of leadership skills and their impact on team performance review the key skills needed to be an effective, 'multi-dimensional' team leader and learn how to develop, adapt and apply them in practice learn how to identify the preferred leadership style for the context and organisational culture and how to develop personal style versatility understand the role of the project leader in building an effective team and the skills required to promote and sustain team performance gain a better understanding of the interpersonal skills needed to motivate individual team members and harness the full potential of the team DAY ONE 1 Technical teams and leadership What is a leader? How much can leadership be learned? The team environment and the impact of leadership skills The characteristics of high performance teams and their leaders Some useful models and theories of leadership explored Types of leadership; choosing how to use leadership power Evaluating personal leadership style; how to develop style flexibility 2 Essential skills for team leaders 3 key dimensions of effective leadership: inwards, outwards and upwards Developing and promoting a 'team vision': strategic thinking skills The vital role of communication skills and how to develop them Understanding others; emotional intelligence skills Being a visible leader; behavioural and influencing skills Building effective relationships; the importance of trust and respect DAY TWO 3 Leading inwards to build the team The role of leadership in developing team performance Understanding individuals in the team; recognising team role preferences Managing conflict and promoting positive team dynamics Setting standards, maintaining discipline and rewarding performance Harnessing team potential: building motivation within the team Promoting team learning; the team leader as coach / mentor 4 Leading outwards and upwards to support the team Negotiating realistic team goals; effective influencing skills Gaining empowerment and support from the key stakeholders Leading upwards: knowing when and how to take the initiative Building team credibility within the organisation; helping the team deliver Becoming an effective team player in leadership teams Building and maintaining rapport with influential stakeholders