karen auld
Professionally and personally I have always been curious about what makes people
‘tick’ and fascinated by the way we all see the world differently. No matter the
talent or capability of an individual, the variable nature of their performance
and self-belief remained a mystery and I was interested to understand more about
this. In my career as a Learning and Development professional, coach,
facilitator and consultant I have worked with leaders through to teams at the
customer facing end of business. I’ve supported individuals and organisations to
overcome challenges and make the most of their unlimited potential. I’ve
explored motivational and psychological theories, I’ve studied behavioural
preference models and used various tools and techniques. I’ve implemented
behavioural frameworks and designed development strategies, all with the purpose
of finding that ‘thing’ that would make a sustainable difference to motivation,
performance and well-being. In 2012, in my continuing study of human
development, I was introduced to an understanding of the mind I’d not been aware
of before. Here were scientific principles that explain all human behaviour,
performance and motivation – without exception. It turned my view of how we
function and experience our world inside out, literally! I realised that I was
not up against what I thought and from that moment, without any conscious
effort, life just got simpler, easier and lighter.