kbm british school of english
Whether you are already a member of the BOS community, or a prospective member,
from inside or outside Pakistan, we hope that you will find our site helpful,
informative and even inspirational. Some time ago I was asked what about our
school makes me most proud; as I searched for an answer I realized that there
are so many things. There are headline achievements, such as our British Schools
Overseas accreditation, our children’s attainment in reading and mathematics and
our students’ IGCSE examination results. Of course, headline achievements are
often based on data. In schools we love producing data to show how good our
school is. Sometimes it must seem that we are motivated by this data: by the
quest for ever higher examination grades or ever wider age differentials. At the
BOS data is not what drives us. For us data sets are markers to show us how far
we have come on our journey – data is not an end in itself; it is not the
destination. In fact, I’m not convinced that the journey actually has a
destination. We are motivated by the process more than the destination.