memorial 2007
The inspiration for Memorial 2007 came from a school girl of African heritage
who, after a visit to the Tower of London, asked her teacher "where is our
history?" The answer is that in Britain, it is not in public view. More than 200
years after the passing of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807, there
is not anything to commemorate the millions of unnamed Enslaved Africans who
lost their lives, liberty, and identity through the slave trade which enriched
the colonising powers of Europe and their estates in the Americas. We came
together informally in 2002 as a volunteer group. We took the name Memorial
2007, looking ahead to the bicentenary of the passing of the Abolition of the
Slave Trade Act. In 2007 we became a registered educational charity with the
Memorial having a dual purpose, not only as a memorial but as an educational
resource. Our aim is to provide access to VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented
Reality) whereby individuals will be able to have an immersive educational
experience, regardless of location.