richard wills training associates
You probably want to learn more about what I can do for you. That’s cool, but
first let’s break the ice a little… As you’ve already gathered, seeing as it’s
plastered all over this website, my name is Richard and I’m a management and
leadership training specialist. I work with all types of organisations, both
large and small, but mostly those from within the public sector, supplying their
management, leadership and wider skills training solutions. To date I’ve worked
with over 50% of the country’s local authorities, supporting approximately 5000
people to become the very best version of themselves. I launched my own business
in 2020 after spending around 18 years in both central and local government. My
love of organisational and personal development exploded in 2012 when Breckland
Council empowered me to create and lead Breckland Training Services (BTS), a
local authority owned L&D company which has become quite infamous for its Local
Authority Challenge product. There’s loads more I want to tell you about
including: a Guinness World Record, paint brushes, Boy George, meeting over a
thousand brides and walking 100km non-stop but I’ll leave that until we know
each other a bit better. Anyway, that’s enough about me, what about you….?