loch wellbeing
Loch Well Being is not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation
Authority. Further information can be found here Modern life is tough. Day to
day we encounter a whole host of challenges, both big and small, which can have
an impact on our overall wellbeing. And work is one of them. When a workplace
fails to address the issue of staff wellbeing, we see high levels of stress and
burnout which, in turn, can cause both physical and mental health issues. But
when a workplace makes staff wellbeing a priority, we find engaged employees
whose work gives them a sense of purpose, a social safety net and a mechanism
for support, even during the toughest times. And employers that engage
positively with wellbeing at work will not only benefit from the peace of mind
that comes with doing the right thing, they will also see real business benefits
including increased retention, reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and
enhanced engagement. And that’s not to mention the good it can do for an
employer’s brand. It really does pay to implement wellbeing strategies – recent
research conducted by Deloitte, for example, found that for every £1.00 an
employer spends on supporting workplace wellbeing, they’ll get £5.00 back as a
return for their investment. At Loch Wellbeing, we’re experienced in the design,
development and delivery of wellbeing solutions and have a track record of
success across a broad range of industries. We’d love to talk to you about how
our wellbeing solutions can assist you and your people.