ridewell training
Ridewell Home - Ridewelltraining: Lisa Hamilton event rider offering lessons,
instruction, training, coaching, dressage and eventing, surrey hampshire sussex
and kent.Lessons on a schoolmaster available, intro pre-novice and novice
training, cross country clinics and jumping and gridwork clinics, grid work,
jumping lessons.Horses, eventing and dressagelessons.,Horse training, Horse
trainer, Riding lessons. Lisa Hamilton, british eventing trainer, BHSAI, offers
teaching, training and coaching at all levels for eventing and dressage in
Surrey, Hampshire, Kent and Sussex.
Excellent communications skills and over 25 years experience allow Lisa to be an
effective coach/trainer and rider, emphasising skill and confidence in with
structured development programs for horse and rider.
Eventing and dressage lessons for Grassroots event riders at Intro, pre-novice
and novice level riders are Lisaβs eventing focus.
Lisa also offers private tuition and clinics, and dressage training from Prelim
to Prix St George.
Dedicated to a classical approach with a competitive edge.