Expert HR Services | Recruitment Services | Starfish People Starfish People are specialists in human resources management, support and business coaching and will work with your business for the best results.
Wellbeing at Work | England, UK | Everyday People At everyday people, we help organisations thrive. Culture consultancy, training, and coaching for your business and your people. Mental Health First Aid provider.
Charlotte Wickins - Your Purpose Coach l Motivation Mentor l Human Architect I help professionals and executives to clearly define and articulate themselves as purpose-driven and empathetic leaders. Also, to truly differentiate themselves and reflect the value and impact they bring with a strong personal profile - a brand.
We Provide Training & Coaching Services That Will Boost Your Productivity Essential Teaching UK Ltd is a recognised education and training consultancy delivering high quality learning outcomes throughout the UK. Our reputation is built on delivering initial teacher training courses. We have highly qualified teachers and trainers from diverse educational and training backgrounds, all of whom have a wealth of knowledge and relevant occupational experience.
Steve has spent his career to date working in small and medium sized businesses. He has been part of ActionCOACH Portsmouth & Chichester since 2011 and has learned and practised all the elements of managing a successful small business, with emphasis on sales and marketing. Steve has seen first-hand the positive impact that coaching makes to SMEs. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with local businesses and, with his greatest area of expertise in sales and marketing in both B2B and B2C markets, he helps businesses grow by developing their sales and marketing strategy and increasing profits.
Design & Development Consultancy | West Sussex | Origin8 Group Origin8 Group's Mission: To provide our customers' with the ultimate, single-source consultancy. Capable of fulfilling all of the following sub-contractual requirements: -Commercial Development -Professional Development -Prototype Design and Build -Continuous Improvement -Coaching & Mentoring