Warsztaty | Szkolenia | Coaching w UK - Best Practice Academy Unikatowe i inspirujące usługi coachingowe w UK, wspierające rozwój osobisty i zawodowy. Trener - szkoleniowiec Adriana Wojtecka.
Running Adventures - Coaching, trail adventures, inspirational talks and events Salomon sponsored athlete offering running coaching for all abilities and distances. Guided trail running adventures, and trail running weekends.
Cycle Coaching + Bike & Saddle Fitting Achieve your cycling goals with our integrated approach to Cycle Coaching, including Fitness testing, Bespoke Training plans, Bike fit, and Saddle Fitting.
Personal Development Coach | www.paulsogaard.com Transformational Awareness Coaching can transform your life in just six sessions. You will achieve the results you always yearned for by making lasting changes to your thinking and behaviour because you will be able to access your full potential. Book at www.paulsogaard.com