bible life christian centre
Thank you for visiting us. We are honoured that you are visiting our web site.
It is our believe that the Lord Jesus will meet you at your point of need as He
did for Cornelius in the book of Acts 10. Please use this site to access the
information you need about the church and as a resource for broadening your
faith. In BLCC, we advance the Kingdom of God by taking the gospel to our market
place, neighbourhood and society. We live the Kingdom through demostration of
Jesus' kind of life, His love to people regardless of whom they are and where
they are coming from. He is concern in saving lives, transform lives, giving
hope to the hopeless. We educate the whole man, equip, train and prepare saved
life to become disciples of Christ and to fulfil their God given destiny and
purpose in life. BLCC is a place where people with broken lives can find
healing, those with successful lives can find significance and all of us,
discover a purpose for our lives bigger than anything we have dreamed of. Jesus
loves, heals, and set free. We are called to transform lives and change our
World. We are not religious consumers but life givers and showing love in