volunteers for educational support and learning (vesl)
I’m sad to say that this year [2014] was the last time VESL will be sending
volunteers abroad. We have had an amazing 11 years working with some extremely
hard-working people on projects I genuinely believe were worthwhile and made a
difference to the local communities. I would like to thank all the past
volunteers and coordinators, host families, in-country managers and fellow
trustees, and most of all our two programme directors who formed VESL and kept
it going through thick and thin – Ian Livingstone and Tom Harrison. Our hope is
to develop a new funding model for VESL with an aim to return in 2015 as an
educational grant-giving body – watch this space for more details. We are also
hoping to arrange a reunion for all volunteers who have worked on VESL projects
since 2003. In the meantime, we would love to hear how VESL has made a
difference in your lives and what experiences you had in Thailand, India, and
the place where it all began, Sri Lanka and welcome posts on the VESL facebook