st anne's catholic high school for girls
It is a privilege to welcome you to our website. Whether you are an existing or
prospective parent, member of staff, student past or present, it will provide
you with an insight to life within our Learning Family. You will see that St.
Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls offers an outstanding education, where
academic success is complemented by breadth of achievement. Every facet of
school life is underpinned by the gospel values and delivering high quality
education is the norm. Mrs Emma Loveland Headteacher We do not ‘hot house’ –
rather, we focus on helping each individual girl discover and hone her special
talents, rather than demand she conform to a pre-determined mould. The school
serves young women so they are equipped to find success in life, wherever they
choose to look for it. We strive to inspire our students in their studies and be
creative thinkers. St. Anne’s is an environment in which students are confident
and personable, with highly developed social skills – we are a school that aims
to forge lifelong friendships.